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You know? after being with you my life changed.


You know? after there he was in my opinion you changed. (1).

I'm happy, after you are here.

my happiness increases when she's also here.

you are the same, the same is special to me.       (2)

I love you.


I realize, the only one like me open it.

Dia hanya untukku.
Sekarang, kini, ataupun nanti! (4)


* * *
Author note:

Bukan cerita berat.
Cuma cerita se-ringan ciki-ciki cinta.

Mari dibaca
Sapa tau suka❤️

*Vote dan komen amat sangat dibutuhkan. Yang berbaik hati Sudilah kiranya memberikan apresiasi pada cerita abal-abal ini* 😋

Salam :

Prince? And Princess. -> Slow Update.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang