》21. I can literally feel you staring at me《

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Chapter 21: I can literally feel you staring at me

The next few days passed in a blur. Driving constantly. Eating. Sleeping. Continuously feeling cautious. We had no more encounters with our military opponents, and although I was incredibly apprehensive, the guardian didn't detect anything either.

The bruise on my cheek had gone, only a faint mark left behind. My stomach still had purple painted all over it, but it was better than before and less painful.

Aiden and I continued to share a bed, and somehow I had grown accustomed to sleeping beside him and waking up hugging him. I enjoyed his warmth and the tingly feeling his proximity gave me. He'd say "morning, princess" every time, and my heart always fluttered. And then I'd go to the bathroom and curse myself.

Aiden kept on making advances and teasing me – his repeated flirting was slowly breaking down my walls. His stubborn nature didn't let him back down. But my resilience was also just as strong. And so, we were both at each other's throats; him swooning me with his lovely gestures and suggestive remarks and me constantly pushing him away, hiding my feelings for him.

"How much longer?" Aiden asked impatiently.

We had finally gotten on the ferry with our latest stolen car. A little – just a tiny – bit of relief washed over me at the fact that we were now only less than two days away from being in the safe house. Aiden would be safe.

"About two more hours," I answered.

We've been sitting in our car for four hours already, playing games and listening to the radio to pass the time.

He exhaled a whistle. "Can we get out of the car?"

I nodded. "Yep. We don't need to sit here."

Aiden frowned at me. "Why didn't you tell me that before?"

Aiden instantly opened the car door and I refrained from laughing at his excitement to leave. I followed after him, carrying the backpack. I didn't trust leaving it behind. Aiden and I moved past the shuttles until finally a wisp of the ocean breeze hit us as we passed a set of doors.

"Wow," Aiden breathed.

I smiled at his reaction. The ferry had eased its way off land and the various buildings were mere little diamonds from afar. Aiden and I headed towards the railing where we could see the smooth waves of the deep sea. I noticed that we were on the top floor from the two floors poking out below. I glanced around and noticed few other people also out, talking and taking in the fresh air.

I peered back at Aiden and the sight of him took my breath away. He was just so ridiculously beautiful. The light breeze blew at his tussled hair as he leaned against the railing. His jaw had become chiselled with a slight shadow of a beard and it made him look so mature. Sexy. His hazel eyes were vibrant under the afternoon sun. The corners of his lips quirked up into a handsome smile.

"You like what you see?"

I snapped out of my revelry at the sound of his arrogant and teasing voice. He turned his head to face me and his eyes twinkled in mischief.

I scoffed. "No."

Aiden leaned close to my face and effectively stopped my breathing. "C'mon, Princess. Stop lying to yourself," he murmured in a soft voice.

I forced myself to step away from him and rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

His light laugh washed away with the wind, and I averted my eyes to the deck below. I squinted and then narrowed my eyes.

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