》25. Please let me kiss you《

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Chapter 25: Please let me kiss you

The next four days passed by excruciatingly slow. Aiden and I weren't on speaking terms which figured to be quite difficult when we're living together.

I spent my days in the control room and shooting range, and my nights locked up in my room. Sleeping didn’t come to me easily anymore. I guess Aiden's presence had slithered into my mind and became a comfort source every time I slept because as much as I hated to admit it, I missed sleeping next to him.

I could tell Aiden was not taking our silent treatment well either. He hung out in the gym most of the time and when I passed by, I saw him killing the punching bag and exerting all his frustration and anger. He trained on his own and I noticed he practiced the techniques I've taught him.

He woke up earlier than me and made breakfast. He left a plate of pancakes for me on the counter-top every morning. And so lunch became my thing. I make something new every afternoon and leave a serving on the table for him. We both didn't do anything for dinner; he hung out in the living room and I took any snacks I could find to my room.

We somehow managed to avoid one another. It's surprising really given the fact that we lived with each other. But in the brief moments that we did come across each other, I felt my insides crumble. He had noticeable circles under his eyes and every time he saw me, he sent me a look of longing and hurt.

And it killed me.

I tried to mask my emotions, but I've gotten so accustomed to expressing myself around him that I knew he saw the same expression on my face.

I've realised how much I care about him in these past few days. How much I miss talking to him and seeing him and hearing his laugh. I even yearn to hear his flirty comments and witness his sweet gestures.

I have feelings for Aiden.

I'm crazy about him.

I can admit that to myself.

But not to him.

Not out loud.

My fist collided with the punching bag in a harsh, brutal blow. Aiden's finally not cooped up in the gym and so I've taken that opportunity to use it myself and blow off some steam other than with shooting bullets.

My thigh has gotten much better in the past few days as I haven't been training and putting pressure on the wound.


Aiden's mesmerizing, hazel eyes flash across my eyes.


Aiden's kissable lips in a pout.


Aiden's laugh rings in my ears.


Aiden. Aiden. Aiden.

My leg flew out for a round house kick. The moment my foot hit the bag, I collapsed on the ground. I groaned at the pain shooting up my wounded leg.

I heaved out a breath and shook the throbbing ache off.

I'm fine.

That's what I keep telling myself. I'm always fine.

Sweat dripped down my back as I left the gym. My hoodie clung to my skin and I ripped it off, leaving me in my sports bra. Heat radiated off my body and my throat ached for water.

I halted when I stepped into the kitchen.

Aiden stood over the stove making dinner. My brows creased in confusion and curiosity. Around this time in the evening, Aiden was either in the gym or his room.

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