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Third Person POV:

Callie and Jude Jacobs are siblings. They have been in and out of the foster system since they were young. Callie has been the troublemaker of the two. She has been in and out of juvie for multiple charges, some to protect her little brother.

Callie and Jude were placed in a home that was only one a man, that just wanted the money. he treated the two as slaves, and Callie got mad and 'destroyed' his property. Leaving her little brother behind because she was booked into the Juvenile Detention Center.

She has been in juvie for over a month and it was the day she was being released. the other inmates tend to get jealous when another gets out, especially early. so they beat them up.

Callie not being able to go back to that previous foster home, she is being placed into another home away from her little brother.

Callie POV

I walk out of the gates of juvie and I see a random women that is not Bill.

"where's Bill?" I say walking alongside her.

"bill was busy, so he sent me" I sigh and cross my arms as she stops.

"where's jude?" she looks up and sighs.

I grab the ends on my jacket to wear my fingertips turn white. she left him in that house, that man that beat us.

"you left him?" I speak loudly.

she nods and leads me to a women who was putting her hair in a bun. she has tan skin, wild hair, and was dressed like a business worker.

"is this her?" she asks the lady next to me, whose name I never bothered to get.

"yes, this is Callie. This is Lena. " she sighs and then looks behind me.

" I can't bring her into my home. with the rest of the kids I have it would be unsafe. what is she even if for? and what happened to her? " Lena asks.

"she needs a home. she destroyed some property on her other housing. so she needs to be transferred. Some of the other girls get jealous for someone getting out early so they beat them up." she explains and I feel the tears flood my eyes.

"if you don't take her, we will have to put her into a group home"

she looks at me with a sad expression and I try to blink away the tears.


At The House

Lena pulls into a driveway of a beautiful home.

"do you have foster other kids?" I ask closing the door.

"yes, my wife and I do. but basically all the kids we have fostered we've adopted." she explains with a big smile on her face.

"let's go and get you some medicine for those cuts" I follow her into the brown, wooden door and what I first see is a staircase that probably leads up to some rooms. a living room to my right, and a lounge room to my left.

we walk forwards and I see a kitchen with a long table, with stilt chairs. I take a seat at the chair closest to the sink and she opens the freezer getting an ice pack.

"put this on"

I lightly smile towards her and I put it on my busted lip. as I was about to say something, the door opens and I hear a bunch of clatter, and people walk into the house.

"mamma, we're home!" a boy yells.

I see a girl with light skin, long black hair enter the kitchen. along with someone who looked fairly like her just as a boy. then a boy who was about my age, with shaggy brown hair. finally, a women who had short blonde hair, and a police uniform on! great.

"who's this?" the boys with shaggy hair asks.

"This is Callie, she is going to be staying with us for awhile" he smiles at me

"i'm Brandon" I look down and I see the two others looking at me.

"I'm Mariana, and that's my twin brother Jesus. don't bother with him, he's annoying" she laughs and I laugh along.

"I'm Stef, Lena's wife"

"i'm not being rude, but mama where did she come from. another home?" I make eye contact with Lena and she looks at me and then her wife, i'm assuming.

"juvie" she mumbles and I snort.

"I came from Juvie" I finally say and I see Stef choke on her coffee.

and the twins and Brandon have a shocked face.

w/c - 777

FOSTER // corbyn besson Where stories live. Discover now