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Lena's POV

I walk into the bathroom, and I hear someone sniffling in the stall. there has been rumored drugs around the school, so I go to the door and I open and shut it. I take off my heels and walk to the front of the stall waiting for the person to come out.

they came out and it's Heather.

"you got a little something there" I point to her nose. she frantically rubs her nose

"what is it who did you get it from?"

Callie's POV

We were walking home and I was on Corbyns back

"you're annoying" I say to Jesus and he glares at me

"takes one to know one"

Mariana looks at him and laughs "that made zero sense Jesus" I laugh and corbyn looks at me and I kiss his lips.

"ew" jude spats.

"shh" I say.

as we were walking, I saw BOTH moms cars home. "stop" I say to corbyn and I hop off of his back. "why?" I look at Mariana and she widens her eyes

"both cars are here. that means moms are both home" I say and he shakes his head "so?"

"that means someone is screwed" Brandon says.

we walk walk into the house and I was about to walk up the stairs with Corbyn when I get called "Callie" I sigh "I didn't do anything" corbyn laughs and goes upstairs to wait for me.

"can you sit down love?" Mom says.

I sit down and start to play with my fingers "are you selling drugs at school?" Mama asks me and I widen my eyes "of course not" they look at me and shake their heads "I caught one of the students in school using and they said they got it from you" I sarcastically laugh "i'm a target at that school. you really think I would sell drugs, and get risked getting myself sent back to juvie?" I raise my voice and stef stands up.

"young lady you will not speak to us that way!" she scolds me

"well why should I be untrusted?" I say and walk off.

I walk into my room and I see corbyn laying on my bed on his phone. "Mariana" I say and she looks at me

"well, you selling Jesus' pills at school got traced back to me because one of your bitch ass customers said I sold them to her" I yell "did you tell moms it
was me?"

"no, don't worry I kept your secret safe" I roll my eyes and walk over to corbyn

"hey, let's go for a walk" he says and grabs my hand, leading me out of the room. I sigh and we walk out the front door. "this is so stupid! I didn't sell Jesus' pills." I groan and corbyn hugs me "can I ask you something?" I look up at him and he looks really nervous "sure"

"well, we've been talking and hanging out for almost 3 months and I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend" he smiles l nervously down at me and I giggle. "yeah, i'll be your girlfriend" he smiles and presses a light kiss to my lips.

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