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Callie's POV

"alright jude, i'll see you after school or at lunch. love you!" I hug him

"love you too Callie"

I walk to my locker and I see Daniel and Zach

"our favorite person" they shout and walk over to me and put their arms over my shoulders

"alright, what do you want?" I laugh

"can't we just say hi to our best friends crush?" zach says and daniel slaps him upside the head

"good one genius" daniel scoffs

"well, now that I know one of you like me, who is it?"

Christina walks up and walks alongside Zach.

"what are we talking about?" she says looking at me

"Well, zach here spilled that you know who likes Callie and she seriously doesn't know who" Daniel explains.

"Callie" christina says to me and stands in front of me

"you seriously don't know?"

I shake my head and she laughs

"Corbyn! you dumbass" Christina shouts and we get a few looks. I shake my head and laugh "corbyn can't like me back" christina widens her eyes

"corbyn can't what now?"

I widen my eyes and go to go past her. "No so fast missy. did you just say back? as in like you like corbyn?" she almost screeches until I slap my hand over her mouth "Hey! I don't think China wants to know that I like Corbyn" she jumps up and down and twirls.

"i'm the captain of this ship." she points to Daniel and Zach with a stern look and tone. they shake their heads quickly and scurry off.


Christina gets cut off by someone wrapping their arm around my shoulder

"okay, is my shoulder a magnet today?" I say to christina and she wiggles her eyebrows.

oh gosh.


"no- wait christina!" I yell and she runs off.


"Hey Callie" he says and I turn around

oh gosh help me.

he looks really good

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he looks really good.

"hey corbyn" he smiles down at me and I look down

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight. like to the fair?" he asks nervously and I smile

"sure, why not?" he laughs

he goes to walk off but first hugs me and I hug back tightly. I breathe out and he chuckles.

"i'll see you tonight" he says and I nod. I smile and look down biting down on my lip.


I look up and I see Christina running to me "ooo girl let's go" she drags me to Lenas office and I groan

"Hi Lena" I roll my eyes playfully

"Hi Christina. Hi Callie. what brings you here?" she stands up

"Callie just got asked out on a date!" christina closes the door

"By who?" Lena excitingly says

"you too?" I groan and she still looks at me waiting for an answer

"corbyn" I groan and she widens her eyes.

"I have to tell Stef" she hugs me and sits back down

"we will talk more at home" she scoots is out of the office. Christina interlocks her arm with mine and we walk off to class.

I look around I see Jude pushes up against a locker. I smack Christina's arm and she looks over.

"grayson" she crumbles and I walk over

"leave him alone" I stand in front of jude and he grabs my hands behind my back

"why, not like you know this little f*g" I roll my eyes and push him back.

"say one more thing about my brother and watch what happens?" his hand travels along down my back. I stop his hand and put his hand behind his back "watch it" I say push him down.

I look over at Jude and he is crying in Christina's arms

"jude" I whisper

he walks over to me and I hug him tightly.  I fall against the lockers as he cries in my arms.

"it's okay. i'm here" he sobs louder and I see Brandon, Mariana, and Jesus walking down the hall. they spot us and run down.

"what happened?" jesus asks

"grayson happened. he had him pushed up against the lockers and was calling him a fag, and tried to grab my butt" I hug him tighter and rub his head

"i'll be right back" jesus says. I widen my eyes and look at mariana

"i'll get him. take jude to Lena" she nods and grabs him from me. I run down the hall, past Corbyn, Jonah, Zach, Daniel, and Jack. they all try to get my attention but then I see Jesus on top of Grayson.

"Jesus!" I scream and pull him off.


"stop it!"

I look down at Grayson and he has a bloody nose, and cut up eyebrow.

"don't ever say something about my brother, or touch my sister. hear me?" Jesus yells and I widen my eyes

brother & sister.

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