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Callie's POV

I walk into the school, holding Judes hand with Lena right behind us.

"why are they staring at us?" jude asks.

"because, I almost slapped a girl yesterday"

we walk into Lenas office and she hands me Jude's schedule. "we have Conor coming to show Jude his classes. Callie, why don't you go to class" she says and I sigh and look at jude.

"be good" I hug him tightly and kiss his forehead. I pull my book bag strap and walk to my locker. I put in my combination and it opens.

I literally throw my book bag in and get my books for the day. "hey callie" I hear behind me and I see Christina.

"hey, you're christina right?" she nods and smiles

"I am, I noticed what happened yesterday and I really like what you almost did. i've always hated Heather" I laugh and we walk together to class

"well, she needs to mind her business honestly." christina agreed with me and I stop at me class

"well, I have English right now. I can talk to you at lunch?" I ask her and she nods quickly

"yeah, ill see you then" I smile widely and walk into class,'plopping a seat right next to corbyn

"why you so smiley?" he poked my cheek

"touch my cheek again, and you won't have a finger" I look at him and he immediately pulls his finger away.

"if you must know, I made a friend" he laughs

"good. How is Jude. he seemed pretty shaken up from last night" I look over and then back at the board

"he's okay, Lena enrolled him today"

we focus on the lesson the entire class and I occasionally get a hand cramp here and there.

the bell rings indicating we are dismissed from class. I gathering my things and I head out of class, but get pulled back by a hand clasped around my wrist

"are you okay, y'know after last night?"

"yep, i've been through worse. thanks though"

I walk down the hall and I see Christina trying to open her locker "struggles?" she snorts and nods her head. I push her out of the way with my hip "what's your combination?" she tells me it, and I get it open in one try

" Walla" she gasps and looks at the lock then my hands

"yo-how?" I laugh loudly and I see a boy walking towards us.

who in the hell is that? I stand near Christina more, because I don't trust random guys.

"hey ladies" he says.

he has brown hair, with a semi-big nose. very white teeth, and was very tall compared to Christina and I

 very white teeth, and was very tall compared to Christina and I

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"what do you want Gray?" Christina asks

"well, I wanted to introduce myself here to Callie, she's new isn't she?" he smirks.

"y-yeah I am" I stutter.

my hands start to become clammy and I feel like as if my legs are jello.

"well, Callie. i'm Grayson, but you can call me Gray" he smiles.

I weakly smile and he goes to whisper in my ear, but doesn't get the chance. someone backs him up from me.

I open my eyes and I see a back in my face

"grayson leave her alone."


"I wasn't doing anything. I was just introducing myself to the new girl. it's only polite" he spats back.

"just back off" I move from behind corbyn's back and I see his face matches the color of a tomato. grayson sighs and walks down the hall. corbyn turns around and looks at me "are you okay?" I nod and he rubs my arm

"he's bad news Callie" I nod and smile.

he walks away and I turn to Christina and she starts wiggling her eyebrows

"why are you wiggling your eyebrows?"

"corbyn likes you!" she screeches

"no he doesn't. have you seen him compared to me?" I laugh and she gasps

"you like him!" I widen my eyes and I feel a blush appear on my cheeks.

"n-no of- of course not." I wave her off, chucking nervously.

"you are such a bad liar Callie Jacobs" she hits my arm and closes her locker. we walk down the hall and I see Corbyn leaning against a locker talking to Jonah.

I make eye contact with him and he smiles brightly towards me. I start to blush

"I don't like him, my ass" christina says

maybe I do like corbyn...

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