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Callie's POV
Unknown Foster Home

"We could get in trouble Callie!" Corbyn whisper yells.

"I don't care. i'm getting my brother from this asshole."

I walk over to the side of the house and I see Jude doing the dishes

"jude" I whisper yell


he doesn't hear me. I walk over to corbyn and lead him a little bit from the house

"you are going to go up to the front door and ask him if he wants to participate or something at the school?" corbyn shakes his head and backs up

"i'm not doing that!"

"please corbyn. he's all I have left" I choke up and he sighs

"fine" I smile lightly and wait for corbyn to knock on the door.

I hear him knock, and I see the bastard get up to answer the door.

"hi, my school is doing this fundraiser an-" I turn to the door and I open it quietly.

"jude" his head snaps over and his eyes widen.

"callie?" he says and runs over to hug me.

I squeeze him tightly and I check his face and arms

"are you okay?" he nods and I kiss his forehead.

"alright we got-" I get cut off by him yelling

"Hey! what are you doing here?" he pulls a gun at me and I push jude behind me

"hey, calm down buddy!" we all start yelling back and forth then we hear someone else barge into the house

"Put the gun down! and hands behind your head!" my head snaps back and I see Stef.

"Go kids!" she yells and Jude and I run out of the house and I see Lena there waiting for us

"Are you okay?" she asks us all and we nod

"I told you guys to go out for a breather. not go get shot Callie!" she yells and I sigh.

"I-i'm sorry lena, I just had to find him" she sighs and looks at jude.

she brings us all into the car, and jude leans his head on my lap. I play with his little hairs, that lay along his forehead

"thank you for doing this Corbyn"

"no problem" he smiles at me.

lena gets into the car and we drive far, from that place.

"corbyn, I am gonna drop you off at home" lena says and corbyn nods.
we get to corbyns house and he gets out "thank you Lena" he smiles at her and walks into his house.

"Callie. why did you run and get your brother?" she says pulling into our driveway.

"because that place is bad. he would always hit us and threaten us. it was horrible and without me there. he probably hit jude. I would always make him hit me. not jude. never jude." she sighs and leads us into the house.

"okay, well jude can sleep next to you on the couch."

"i'm sure we can find another place for you to sleep soon, since the couch will not be doing it's justice for very long with two people" she smiles laying the blanket down.


FOSTER // corbyn besson Where stories live. Discover now