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Callie's POV
Court House

I walk out into the court house and I see all my family and corbyn. they take the cuffs from my wrist

"please rise" we all rise when the judge walks in and then we all sit.

"we are here today to set sentence onto Callie Ashely Jacobs. previously in the foster home of Stef Adams Foster and Lena adams foster."


"Callie Jacobs, you will be moved to a group home instead of moving you to a juvenile detention center" the judge says

"case dismissed"

I stand up and I let the tears go. I turn around and i run up and hugs moms. "i'm so sorry" I sob into her shoulder

"love, don't apologize. we will get you back. you hear me?" I nod and I move onto Jesus and Mariana "i'll see you guys soon, okay?" they nod "I love you" I say "we love you too" Jesus says with a tear strolling down his cheek. I hug brandon and he kisses my forehead "stay strong" I nod


I hug him tightly and he sobs "you can't leave" I kiss his forehead "I have to buddy. i'll be back. promise" I lock my pinky with his and I kiss his forehead "I love you weirdo" he smiles "love you jerk" they all leave the court room and it's just me and corbyn.

I sigh and he grabs onto my hands. "i'm sorry" he shakes his head and pulls me into his chest. I cry loudly and he rocks us back and forth "shh baby" he whispers and kisses my head. I dig my head into his chest more, and he lifts my head up "you'll be strong in there. okay? you'll be so strong that you will come out even better." he smiles at me and I press a passionate kiss to his lips.

"I will miss you Callie" he leans his forehead on mine

"I'll miss you too Corbyn" I pull his lips back on mine and I feel a tear drop on my face, that's not mine.

"baby, why are you crying?" I wipe his tear

"I-I thought you were gonna come back home and I got to hold you properly" he cries.

I shake my head and rub my hand on his cheek "you'll be able too soon. I promise"

"times up Jacobs"

I sigh and kiss his lips

"see you soon"


FOSTER // corbyn besson Where stories live. Discover now