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Back at School

it's been about a day since i've been home from GU and I haven't really told anyone besides anyone that lives in the house. Jude was extremely happy I was home. I had to start school back at ABCC because the computer I used for Online, burned in the fire yesterday.

"alright lets go!" mama yells. I look in the mirror to see if my hair wasn't all over the place, and I grab my bag and run downstairs. we all pile out of the house and mama yells "you guys have a free period today instead of 10" we all nod and get into the car.

"I forgot callie was here damn" jesus says and I smack him in the face "you ass" mama shoots me a look and he laughs.


we get to the school, and I see all the same snooty kids here. I get out of the car first and mariana falls out "get up" jesus yells and she groans. I look around, using my hand to shield my eyes from the sun and I see Heather looking back at me. I immediately turn my head and I see Jude. "I missed you" he laughs and hugs me. the bell rings and we all walk off going to our lockers. I get the same strange looks, that I basically got the first day I came here.

I keep my head high, continuing to walk then I hear from behind me "i'll see you later" I stop in my tracks. I turn around and I see him standing there. he is smiling at something and then turns his head towards me, and it drops and he has a shocked look on his face. "C-Callie?" I nod and he runs over and hugs me. "w-when did you come back?" he cries into my shoulder "yesterday. I wanted to surprise you" he smiles and kisses my lips lightly. he pulls me into a tight hug and we rock back and forth.

"how are you back?" he asks finally.

"girls united burned down. there was no reason for me to go back to juvie, so I got to come back home"

he smiles and hugs me again

"let's go to class" we walk hand in hand to class and I still get the looks but, that's just what happens when you come back from being framed of having drugs in your locker.

"callie, nice to have you back" our english teacher tells me. I smile and i sit in my seat that is next to corbyn and I pay attention to the lesson.


it is now 10th period and me and corbyn are sitting outside as everyone else is walking around, wondering why we have a free period, or in my case a block class. "do you know why we have a free period" corbyn asks me looking around. I shake my head and I see mom.. why is she here?


she looks over and i run over to her and she hugs me "not to be rude, but why are you here?" she looks down and rubs my arms. "they are doing an assembly on kids from juvie and not to do drugs." I widen my eyes and I nod "so they are basically bashing me my first day?" she nods "basically. love i'm so sorry" I shake my head and I walk back over to corbyn. "they are have an assembly basically bashing me. it's for kids who have been in juvie and not to do drugs" I groan and he hugs me. "i'll be there" he smiles and I roll my eyes.

"everyone please make your way to the auditorium" Mana yells and we all make our way into the auditorium and of course me, corbyn, jesus, mariana, brandon, jude, zach, jack, jonah, and daniel are sat in the same row. "good morning ladies and gentlemen i'm the dean of students, Mr Riker and I just wanted to talk to y'all about drugs and kids who have been in juvie and their stories" I breath in and I feel corbyn hold my hand. "now you all had a search like four months ago for drugs and you found it in a students locker. this student was sent to juvie for their fifth time. they put her in solitary confinement, where there were no windows and you didn't see anyone. just a small room, and they hand you food from the little hole in the door. " corbyn looked at me and I kept my head down. I see all the boys looking at me.

"now we would like to have that student come up here" I look up and shake my head rapidly. Mom comes up and grabs my hand "i'm so sorry" she whispers. I look around and I see all the kids looking at me and I keep my eyes locked on my feet.

"This is Callie. She has been in 18 foster homes and been in Juvie 6 time-" I cut him off

"why is that important?" he chuckles

"I am just telling them the reasons of your outbursts" i look around and put my hands on my hips

"so you're saying. you know why I had my own outbursts?" he nods and I smirk

"please tell me"

"your mom died. you lost your brother, and you claimed a false rape against your foster brother at the age of 12" I shake my head and I feel tears burn the rim of my eyes.

"false? are you freaking kidding?" I say going up to him but I feel someone hold me back "this is not the time to do this callie" mama whispers in my ear. I sigh and I shake her arms off of me. I look around I see everyone with the same look, disgust.

I run out of the auditions and onto the beach, letting my feet meet the water.

FOSTER // corbyn besson Where stories live. Discover now