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Callie's POV
Juvenile Detention Center
Three Days Later

"it wasn't mine mom" I say looking at her over the table

"I know love, but it was in your locker"

"there are holes in those lockers. someone put it there" I yell with a tear going down my face.

"I know, I know" she hugs me and I cry into her shoulder

"I didn't want to end up here again. and i'm here" I whisper

"how's jude?"

"he's been rough." I shake my head and look down

"corbyn?" she smiles

"he misses you, he really wants to see you. I put him on the visitor list for you" I smile and hug her.

"times up"

I hug her tightly and she kisses my head multiple times "I love you" I whisper

"I love you too. i'll fight for you with every last bit in me" she whispers and I nod.

"Jacobs. let's go" the officer says and pulls me away

I sit in my bunk and close my eyes.

"phone call" the officer says and I jump up.

I run to the phones and I still have to wait in line "shit" I mumble.

I finally get a chance to call and I dial corbyns number


"Hey, it's me" I whisper

"callie thank god. are you okay?" he worries

"i'm fine, are you okay baby?"

"i'm fine. I just really miss you."

"I miss you too. my trial is tomorrow. can you be there?" I hear him sigh on the other line

"it's tomorrow morning."

"of course i'll be there. the boys want to come too if that's okay" I smile lightly

"yeah of course. I miss them" he laughs.

"I have to go baby, I miss you i'll see you tomorrow" he sighs

"okay baby. I miss you too. see you tomorrow"  I end the call and walked back.

FOSTER // corbyn besson Where stories live. Discover now