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Corbyn's POV (ooooo)
Before he stuck up for Callie

I was leaning against my locker talking to Jonah when I glance over at Callie, and she is laughing with Christina. when she laughs, my insides melt. Jonah notices me staring and follows my gaze.

"corbyn's got a crush"

"corbyn does not" I lied straight through my teeth

"stop lying Corbyn. anyone from a mile away can tell you like her, just by the way you look at her" I look down and smile

"I like her okay, but I don't think she likes me back." he laughs

"she probably does" I laugh and look up and I see Grayson talking to them

"shit" jonah says and I walk up and stand in front of callie.

"grayson leave her alone."

"I wasn't doing anything. I was just introducing myself to the new girl. it's only polite" he spats back.

"just back off" I feel my face become very red, and my knuckles are white from how hard I am squeezing my fist. he leaves down the hall way and I turn around and I look at callie.

she's so beautiful

"are you okay?" she nods and I put my hand on my arm, almost letting it fall to her hand.

"he's bad new Callie" I tell her and she smiles at me.

I walk away towards jonah and he has a shocked expression on. "you really like her" I hit his arm and he starts to talk about his baseball team. I was listening and then I looked out of the corner of my eye and I saw Callie walking alongside Christina down the hallway.

I smile brightly towards her and she blushes.

"Corbyn. i'm gonna punch you in the throat. just ask her out" jonah laughs

should I?

FOSTER // corbyn besson Where stories live. Discover now