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Callie's POV
Girls United

I smell smoke.

I open my eyes and I instantly feel a burning sensation in my nose

"Girls get up! there's a fire" I hear Rita yell. I jump up and I grab my shoes. I slam open my door to see the other girls doing the same. "where's Rachel?" I look around "she ran away"

"are you sure"

"yeah" I nod

"becca?" she yells

"the bathroom I think" we all run downstairs and one of the other girls comes up to me "what do we do?" I look around and rub my head "go next door and call 911" rita comes running "she's not up there" I sigh "basement. she goes down there to smoke" carmen said. they all run out and rita doesn't come back up after a couple minutes. I run in and put my sleeve around my mouth, which doesn't help but I still cough. "Rita!" I yell and I see a fire in the corner of the basement "callie" she cries and I help her pick up becca. we get to the stairs when the case of paint falls "callie go!" I shake my head "i'm not leaving" we trudge up the stairs and we finally make it outside "thank god!" Daphne cries. the fire fighter takes Becca and gives us oxygen.


"you're P.O, are on their way" Rita states

"for what?" carmen asks

"you all have to go back to juvie. just until you can find another group home" the girls groan and start getting upset.

"the firefighter said you can go in and get your stuff. quickly" the nod and I hug them "let me know where you're at" I tell daphne and she nods.

"callie I need to speak with you"

I walk over and she has tears in her eyes "never do that again. that's how you get yourself killed"

"you shouldn't have gone in there either" she looks down and we hear a car honk

"Callie!" my mom yells

"there's your mom" I nod

"are you okay?" I nod and she runs up and hugs me

"are you sure you're okay?" she grabs my face

"i'm okay. i'm fine" she hugs me. I let go of the hug and hug rita. "you're doing so well. don't give up now" I nod and I look over at my mom "let's get you home okay?" I nod


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