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Callie's POV
School (Monday)

I walk into school, and I see everyone staring at me. it makes me get a sudden queasy feeling in my stomach, and cold chills race up my spine. I shuffle my feet faster across the halls and I finally get to my locker, people are huddled around it.

I push and shove through the big crowd, and I see a type of news paper taped to it, but it was only a section. I walk over to it and I hear people whispering all around me, I lay my fingers upon it

'Mary Jacobs killed in crash on Saturday. left behind her two children, ages 10 and 4.'

I gasp and feel tears flood my eyes. this is the article about my mother, when she died. when I was put in my first foster home. when my whole life went down hill.

I rip the piece of paper off, and I shove it in the trash. I move into the middle of the hallway and I see Heather talking to her friends and I speed walk to her. I push her against the lockers and my bag drops from my shoulders.

"why did you put that on my locker?"

"put what on your locker?" she replies sarcastically

"the article about my mother." I say with a tear rolling my bruised cheek

"oh! well I thought if I knew, maybe everyone should. where's your brother?" she laughs

"you don't know shit heather! leave my brother alone!" I go to slap her but I feel someone's hand take mine.

"calm down callie!" they yell and I get pulled back. I try to squirm out of the mysterious persons grip, but I fail.

"let me go"

"let me go please!" I cry out

they didn't let me go.

I fall to the ground crying, and shaking. I don't know where jude is, and I didn't even get to say goodbye to him.

"it's okay" the person hugs me and I look at them, and I see it's Corbyn.

"it's not okay corbyn. it's never okay." I cry and he just rocks me. I try to break lose from his grip, but it just gets tighter.

"calm down callie"

"everyone get to class!" we hear Lena yell.

"callie?" she says and I look up. she gasps and takes me from corbyn's arms. "where's jude lena? I need jude" I sob into her shoulder and she hugs me tightly.

"i'll talk to Bill okay? i'll see if he's in another home?" she smiles at me and wipes away my stray tears. I nod and she rubs my arms.

"why don't you and corbyn go outside for a little while to cool off, i'll talk to your teacher. okay?" I nod and she pushes me towards corbyn.

I walk fast outside and I hear corbyn running behind me.

"where are you going?" he yells running behind me.

"to get my brother"

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