Chapter 1

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 I sighed, threading a hand through my (H/C) locks. I glanced between my hand and the building before me. I'd been suspended for "irrational behaviour ", and I wasn't sure if I was ready to endure the endless ridicule from Gavin fucking Reed. I shook the thought from my mind harshly before quickly rushing into the establishment. I nodded a greeting at the assistant android at the desk. As soon as the doors to the office shut behind me, all eyes snapped in my direction. I wanted to run. I wanted a hole to open and swallow me. Swallowing hard, I walked to Fowler's office, prepare to go deaf from his shouting.

A full hour later, I stepped out of the office and wandered to my desk, keeping my head low. Feeling my gun safely back in its halter and the badge in my pocket brought me an odd burst of joy that seemed scarce in previous weeks. That was when the asshole decided to saunter towards my desk. I'd already started working on some files, and I tried to use them as a way to ignore him, however, this seemed to irk him.                                                                                                           "Welcome back. Smoke any red ice in your suspension with daddy's money?" Reed taunted and I paused the typing on my keyboard.                                                                                                                "Fuck off Gavin" I muttered, not even sparing him a glance as I began typing again.                       "What? Can't handle the truth? You and your brother are a disgrace to your father's name." He continued, my fists clenched and I sent a glare at Gavin.                                                                                   "Reed. Back. Off." I hissed, dangerously quiet.                                                                                                         "Why should I be scared of a drug addict, (Y/N)?" he challenged and I slowly stood up., tempted to punch him.                            

"At least I don't go around murdering teenagers," I growled,                                                                 "Reed, leave her alone, you fucking prick." A gruff voice rung out from behind me, causing me to spin on my heel to see Hank making his way towards us, glaring daggers at Gavin.                              "An alcoholic and a druggie. Perfect partners." Gavin remarked with a smirk before stepping backwards and back to his desk. I rolled my eyes and looked over at Hank.                                             "Hey, Hank. Thanks...." I mumbled, smiling awkwardly.                                                                                      "Hi, kid. Don't mention it. Don't want ya getting suspended again. Think I'd go crazy if you left again."Hank grumbled.                                                                                                                                                   "Aww, you can't of missed me that much." I teased with a grin.                                                                        "I didn't. Until they assigned us with a new partner."He responded, crossing his arms.                      "New partner?"I enquired, jumping as a voice rung out from behind us.                                          "Lieutenant, there's a new case for us to see to." I turned to the voice and was pleasantly surprised to see a new recruit. He had fairly thick eyebrows and beautifully crafted brown eyes. Soft looking lips and a few freckles scattered over flawless skin. What piqued my interest though, was the flashing yellow LED embedded in his temple. But oddly, I wasn't surprised.                                                                                                                                                                                                      "Hi..... who are you?" I questioned softly. Something about his aura was strangely intriguing.  "My name is Connor, I'm the android sent by Cyberlife. I was assigned to you and Lieutenant Anderson." the robo-cop responded, offering an awkward smile.                                                                  "Well, welcome to the team Connor." I winked with a smile, causing Hank to scoff in reaction.  "Thank you, Lieutenant Manfred," he stated, "though we do have a case to tend to."  I rolled my eyes before glancing back to Hank.                                                                                                                          "Whatever, let's go. Get your asses to and in the car." Hank muttered with a shrug and I laughed lightly before heading to the back entrance to the car park, purposefully shoving Gavin's shoulder as I passed.

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