Chapter 3

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Almost instantly, Markus ran over, swiftly untieing the rope from my wrist. As soon as the rope loosened, I pulled him into a tight hug and it was immediately reciprocated.

"Hi, god, I missed you so much," I muttered into his shoulder

"I missed you too. What are you doing here?" Markus questioned. We pulled away from the embrace as soon as a disgusted female voice rung out.

"You know her?" North enquired, confusion highlighting her face. Markus stood up, pulling me with him.

"North, this is (Y/N), (Y/N) this is North." Markus introduced and North rolled her eyes

"Oh, I'm very aware." I glared. Markus nudged me as if telling me to behave.

"Is this the same (Y/N) that didn't defend you and nearly got you killed?"North asked, poison practically lacing her voice. I felt anger rising in me and my fists clenched.

"Excuse me?"  I demanded, taking a step forward.

"North. That's enough. That's not what happened, and you know it." He interjected and North shrugged.

"Whatever." She snapped, before quickly turning on her heel and walking away.

"Don't mind her. She just doesn't like humans." he tried to comfort me and I raised an eyebrow.

"Wow. Makes me feel great." I mumbled sarcastically. Markus paused before his posture slouched suddenly.

"How.....How are Carl and Leo doing?" his voice had contorted to one of solemn. 

"Dad's okay. He's slowly getting better. Leo leaves the hospital in a few days. They're both doing as well as they can be. Don't blame yourself, Markus. You did what anyone would do. I just wished I could've been there, so I would've had to hear the news from a guy at work." I replied softly, Markus looked down at his feet.

"What happened to you? Did you get in any trouble for going back to the office to defend me?"He asked guiltily.

"I can't get into that much trouble when I'm suspended. That reminds me, yesterday was my first day back. Stratford Tower. Dealing with a deviant break in." I stated with raised eyebrows.

"Oh. I wonder who that could be," Markus responded sarcastically, smiling lightly "How'd you find this place anyway? I was told only androids could find it, or humans led by androids."

"There was a deviant on the roof. He said his name was Simon. He was going to kill me. I stopped him and he trusted me, after some convincing. He told me where Jericho is. I know Detroit like the back of my hand, so I knew where to go."I explained sadly and shook my head.

"Did he make it?" He asked quietly, glancing at me.

"No. I had to shoot him to protect him from one of my partners. He told me to." I answered Markus placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Simon was brave. His death won't be in vain." His expression had turned quite stern.

"It's my fault he died though. I'm the one who pulled the trigger." I sighed, looking away.

"I doubt that Simon told you to shoot him to save Jericho. Other officers would have forced that information from him. It's not your fault." He replied, sending me a glance, warning me to not argue with him anymore.

"Thank you, Markus. Anyway, you ever heard of an android detective?" I enquired, folding my arms over my chest.

"Only from the news, why?" he answered, leaning against the wall.

"He's Hank and I's new partner.  Shows no sign of deviating anytime soon; he's absolutely ruthless." I declared, adjusting my stance.

"Do you think he's going to come after us?" Markus seemed to be growing increasingly anxious at the thought.

"I wish I could tell you no." I frowned, closing my eyes.

"How much time do you think we have?" he pushed further.

"However much time it takes to find you. And however much extra time I can buy you."I voice and he stiffened immediately.

"(Y/N), I can't allow you to do that. You can't risk your job or life for this cause. it isn't your fight." He argued

" If you are doing this, if you're starting a war for your freedom, it will become my fight, either way. I'd rather choose the side I know is right why I have a chance than be forced to fight on the side I know is wrong. I will stand with you, I'll fight with you, and I will fall with you if all else fails. Win or lose, you're making history."I shot back and Markus sighed.

" I don't want more lives wasted than there needs to be." he attempted to reason

" Well, you're not exactly invincible either Markus Manfred." I joked before realising what I said. I froze as did Markus.

"What did you just-?" he began and I quickly interrupted.

"Nothing! Hey, I was working late last night and had to get up early to say hi to Dad. Is it okay if I had a nap? I won't cause any trouble, promise." I asked, quickly changing the topic. I wasn't that tired but it was the first thing I could think of.

"You could've come to see me later, y'know?" Markus teased, pushing himself off the wall.

"I have this feeling I'm going to get called into work later," I explained with a small smile and Markus nodded.

" You need to sleep more. It's unhealthy to stay awake that long." He advised.

"Not my choice. Anyway, have you got, like, any source of heat? I'm fucking freezing."I chuckled lightly, pulling off my soaking wet coat. Markus immediately pulled his coat off and placed it on my shoulders

"I'll set up a fire for you, you can sleep here so the others can't bother you. Also, they need to trust you a little more. I'll talk to them, convince them you're peaceful." He shot me a small smile before running off somewhere. I sat down and leant against the wall, closing my eyes as I slowly felt myself drift off.

I woke up to the soft buzzing and quiet melody of my phone. A small fire in a barrel crackled in front of me, providing me with a pleasant wave of heat. I fished the phone from my pocket, before answering the call and pushing it to my ear.

" Hello?" I enquired groggily, rubbing my eye.

"Hey, kid. We need ya. Meet me outside the station. And be here as quick as you can, that plastic prick is driving m crazy."Hank explained and I sat up slightly

"Why?" I questioned, running a hand through my crazy hair. I'm fucking glad I always kept a hairbrush in my car

"Last minute interview. Should be quick.... hopefully." Hank responded and I sighed, hearing Reed yelling some derogative profanities on Hank's line. Probably at Connor.

"Alright. Alright. I'll be there soon." I mumbled before ending the call. I stood up and stretched, before escaping the darkened corner of the ship. I saw a few androids back up, a few gave me wary looks, others smiled at me and several came and introduced themselves. Sean, however, bounded over to me before tugging me into a rather tight hug.

"Hey Sean. Have you seen Markus?" I asked with a smile and he pulled back, nodding happily.

"He's in his 'office'! Want me to take ya?" The Irish android offered, grinning at this point.

"That's be great, thank you!"I responded and he grabbed y hand, excitedly pulling me to our destination.

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