Chapter 2

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(A/N: im so sorry this is so weirdly set out- there was a glitch when i was posting so this is the result D: )

It was almost 3 AM before I got home from the station. The doors unlocked and opened as I got near. As I walked inside, I was instantly welcomed by the automated house security system. Dad's nursing android had descended the stairs by the time I'd hung my coat up.                                                            "How's my dad doing, Philip?" I asked quietly                                                                                                "Carl is asleep as of right now. His condition seems to have improved,  though he continuously voiced his concerns for your safety.  Will you be present to greet him in the morning?" he asked and I nodded slightly.                                                                                                       "Yes, I will. Fowler has allowed me to work flexible shifts while dad is the way he is. I can basically show up whenever I want." I responded, causing the android to smile a little.            "Your father will be delighted. Good night (Y/N)" He said before walking back upstairs to my father's room. I sighed before following him upstairs and turning to my room.

After quickly grabbing a bottle of water from the kitchen, I had wandered up the libraries stairs and up to Dad's room. I opened the door and went to sit in the seat by his bed. After a moments pause, Dad weakly turned his head in my direction.                                                                                           "Hey, sweetheart. How was work?" his voice was gravely but surprisingly strong.                                   "It was fine. Just some asshole coworkers. No big deal. how are you doing?" I smiled, taking his hand. He began running his thumb over my knuckles, something that used to calm me as a kid and carried onto my adulthood. It had been years since he did it. I was surprised remembered.   "Bored. Lying in a bed all day is oddly tiring though. Leo keeps leaving voicemails. Saying he's gonna get out the hospital sometime next week. Says he's gonna be better, that he's gonna quit the red ice crap." Dad responded and I rolled my eyes. Like we hadn't heard Leo say that before. "Well, we both know that's total bullshit," I mumbled and dad let out a strained laugh.                    "Don't we just. Anyway, any plans for today?" he asked softly                                                                         "Yeah. I was gonna go out today, probably won't be back for a couple days. Only if you're okay with staying with Philip though." I explained and dad smiled.                                                                   "It's okay (Y/N). We all need time away from family sometimes. You've been taking care of me the last few days. Go have fun. I'll get Philip to call you if we need you." he kissed my hand and I got up to kiss his forehead. He patted my hand before I walked back to his door.                                          "See you in a few days. Love you Dad." I blew him a kiss and ran out the door, going to my room to grab a bag of clothes. I pulled my beanie on to protect me from the cold before picking up my bag and walking out of the house to my car. 

The boat glistened in the glow of sunset as I walked into the docks. It was old, rusting, practically falling apart, though I had no doubt that it used to be a gorgeous thing. Chipping white paint spelt out the words 


I spared one last glance at the falling sun before looking down into the water. Apparently, that was the only way in. Taking one calming breath, I stepped out into the air and plunged into the murky, blackened water. Instantly, I was greeted with bitter, biting numbness.  I shivered and I quickly swam to the ladder, finding it difficult to get a proper grip on it due to the moisture on my hands. When I eventually managed to climb up, I wrapped my arms around myself, dithering. I grabbed my phone out of the sealed plastic bag ( i thought I'd need it seeing it was a boat) and turned the flashlight on, beginning to work through the seemingly endless maze of a ship. The only audible sounds were the ominous dripping of water and my gentle footsteps. I began wondering if I was at the right place or if I should just leave, before a loud clang caught my attention, making me jump lightly. Hesitantly, I started venturing towards the sound. The hairs on the back of my neck were standing on edge and I slowly put my phone away as I reached a bright yellow door with some light shining under it. With great caution, I opened the door, being greeted by a room of androids- or deviants rather. All heads snapped in my direction unanimously and I was frozen to the spot. There was a prolonged, pregnant pause before I was grabbed from behind, being hit sharply over the head and everything faded to darkness. 

"What are we going to do with her?" a fuzzy voice asked, and I moved my head silently, wincing harshly. Fuck, that hurt.                                                                                                                                                   "We can't just keep her, Josh." Another pointed out and I opened my eyes to see three androids arguing, one was a female android with blonde-ginger hair, the other two were male, one had dark skin and a fucking wicked hairstyle and the other- well, I recognised him from a homicide case file yesterday. Jack, I think his owners had called him. He had brown hair, blue eyes- and oddly enough- an Irish accent. So the darker skinned android had to be Josh then.                           "We can't let her leave either, Jack. She could come back with more humans." Josh shot back. "We could kill her?" The female android shrugged nonchalantly.                                                            "For the last time North, we're not going to kill her! I'm going to get Markus, whether you like it or not." Jack stated firmly, before he spun on his heel and walked off, his footsteps receding. Josh glanced between the two before sighing.                                                                                                    "I'm going with Jack. Watch her, okay? And don't kill her." Josh warned before jogging after the Irish man. There was a loud clatter and I groaned quietly, that really wasn't helping my headache. I saw North take a step back upon the realisation that I was awake. I went to move my hands to rub my head only to be stopped by something around my wrists, the same thing happening when I went to move my legs. The material was harsh, digging into me even through my clothes. Rope. Of fucking course. I sighed, frustrated before I leant my head against the wall. "I'm not here to hurt you, y'know?" I stated with a raised eyebrow.                                                             "Yeah. Like we haven't heard that excuse before," North scoffed "If it were up to me, you'd be dead by now." She crossed her arms over her chest, her hair shifting slightly.                                     "Well it's not up to you, so deal with it. I just want to help you guys" I pushed further.                          "Just. Stop. Talking." she growled, glaring daggers at me. Suddenly, I heard a group of footsteps start approaching and the oddly familiar Irish drawl.                                                                                           "What's going on down here?" I overheard that soft voice as Markus stepped over to North. Clearly, he couldn't see me in the dark corner.                                                                                                      "A human found us. Those two can't make up their minds on what to do, even though it's plainly obvious we should kill her." North answered and I rolled my eyes.                                        "We can't kill her just because she's human," Markus argued. I smiled. Always the pacifist.               "Hey, Markus," I called before North could reply, causing North's face to turn sour. Markus froze...  "(Y/n)?" 

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