Chapter 6

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Upon hearing that Connor had been near the archive locker, I rushed to Jericho, knowing Connor would soon learn of its location. When i ran in, the androids knew who i was looking for- it was basically common practice- as one of the newly recruited androids directed me to Markus. I smiled in appreiation before running to find the fellow leader. I froze seconds after running into a room on the higher deck. Markus was sat down, leaning on his hand that was rested carefully on his knee. There was a woman with a little girl, no older than nine. 

"Oh, sorry. Did I interrupt something?" I asked awkwardly. My old friend stood up and came to stand next to me, the two girls watching me cautiously.

"No, you didn't. Ladies, this is the infamous (Y/N) I was talking about. A fellow leader. These ladies need passports- do you think you could get them?" He enquired quietly.

"Of course. I just need your model and serial code and i can get them transmitted tonight or tomorrow. You can then use that information elsewhere." I answered and I saw a grin appear on, what i assumed to be, the mothers face.

"That would be great. I'm an AX400, serial code:#579 102 694. Thank you so much!" she said and I smiled before kneeling down to the little girl's height. I was always a sucker for kids, especially after Lily.

"Hey, Sweetheart. What's your name?" I questioned gently and she smiled, clearly a bit shy.

"My name's Alice. This is my mom, Kara!" She answered softly. She was just too cute.

"Well hello there Alice, I promise we'll get you and your mom out of here in no time," I assured before standing up and extending my arm to Kara.

"It's nice to meet you, Kara," I stated before my arm was tugged into a tight hug.

"Thank you so much." She murmured, almost silently, before she released me, shot me a quick smile, grabbed Alice's hand swiftly, and walked out. I instantly turned on my heel to warn Markus of Connor's upcoming arrival, but he was gone. I stepped out of the room, hoping to catch sight of him on the lower deck. I saw a flash of North's orange hair heading towards the control deck and took it as a helpful alternative, sprinting after her. I walked into the small space silently, earning a cold glare from North as I took a seat in the corner. Waiting for the conversation to cease. Markus had his back to the door so neither I, North nor Josh could see his face. Josh was pacing anxiously and North had her arms crossed over her chest

"We're short on blue blood and biocomponents. Our wounded are shutting down and there's nothing we can do!" He was panicking clearly.

"Humans are conducting raids in all the big cities and they're taking androids to camps to destroy them," North added, making a point to glance at me several times. I shot her a harsh glare before looking back at Josh.
"It's all our fault. None of this would have happened if we had just stayed quiet!"Josh exclaimed, causing my eyes to narrow at him. Markus turned sharply as soon as the words left Josh's mouth.

"We couldn't just suffer in silence, they're killing us. Nothing is going to justify that." Markus argued.

"What's the point in being free if no one is left alive?" Josh snapped.

"Humans enslaved us. I'll never regret standing up to that." Markus defended and I nodded.

"This is getting us nowhere," Josh muttered in frustration.

"Because you keep talking. Let Markus make the plans, Josh. Besides, we've gone too far to ever turn back." I hissed. North sighed.

"She's right. All that matters is what we do next. Markus, (Y/N)?" North questioned. I and Markus shared a glance and nodded.

"Dialogue, It's the only way. We will go alone Try to talk to them one last time." I concluded and North's head shot between me and Markus.
"Don't do this Markus. They'll kill you!" She tried to argue.

"Maybe. But North we have to try. If I don't come back or neither of us comes back, lay low as long as you can. (Y/n) will help you if she returns." Markus replied, shooting me a look that showed signs of nervousness. I smiled reassuringly.

"They need to realise how much they're hurting us. Find the right words and they'll listen." Josh agreed before rushing out. Markus turned his back to us again, leaning on the control panel.

"Humans have been butchering each other for centuries over the colour of their skin or whatever god they wanted to worship. They're not going to change. Violence is just in their genes." Markus pondered and I huffed.

"Violence is like a second language. Most humans pick it up, some don't, though the ones that don't still have remnants of it somewhere in their mind." I added 

"They can't stop what we've started. Since you've been here, you've given us hope. You've given me hope." This was clearly aimed and Markus and I couldn't help but smile at the affection North was showing. Markus turned around to face her.

"Today, a deviant arrived at Jericho and he told me that he stole a truck transporting radioactive cobalt. He said he abandoned the truck somewhere in Detroit and rigged it to explode. I convinced him not to do it and to give me the detonator." North produced the detonator and I sat up a little, my eyes widening.
"A dirty bomb," Me and Markus said in unison.

"We can't lose this war, Markus. If humans overcome us, our people will disappear forever. This might be the only way to survive if things go wrong." she persuaded but Markus pushed the detonator away.

"We shouldn't become like them, North. We can gain freedom by other means."Markus stated and I let out a breath of relief.

"I hope you're right. Whatever happens tomorrow, I just want you to know... I-I'm glad I met you, Markus." North stated. Markus stayed silent but took North's hand and they connected, their skin peeling away to reveal the shining white beneath it. Markus then gently swooped down and took her lips in his. I smiled again but looked away, giving them a moment of privacy. They pulled away after a minute and North took a step back.

"Look after yourself. I don't want to lose you." She said before stepping out the door. Markus looked at me.

"Markus, I need to tell you something important. Connor has-" I began but was cut off by the click of a gun and the sight of Connor stepping through the open doorway. I shot to my feet, instantaneously.

"(Y/N), get behind me, now!" Connor growled lowly but I shook my head, dashing to stand beside Markus, who put a protective arm out. Connor shot me an angry look before aiming the gun at us both.

"Markus, I've been ordered to take you alive, but I won't hesitate to shoot, should you give me no other alternatives. (Y/N), know that your betrayal will be reported to the DPD, once this whole endeavour is over." Connor continued and Markus took a step forward, gesturing for me to follow.

"What are you doing? You are one of us. you can't betray your own people!"Markus responded calmly, acting like there wasn't a pistol aimed at his skull.
"You're both coming with me!" Connor snapped, his grip on the gun tightening. Markus's head tilted.

"You're Connor aren't you? The famous deviant hunter. (Y/N) has spoken of you, often. Well congratulations, you seem to have found what you were looking for." Markus's bitter statement was met with silence.

"Our cause is righteous. All they want- all we want- is to live in freedom." I tried and Connor replied with a furious glare.

"Do you never have any doubts? You've never done something irrational like there's something inside you? Something more than your programme. Have you ever wondered who you really are? Whether you're just a machine, executing a program, or a living being, capable of reason. I think the time has come for you to ask yourself that question. It's time to decide...." My eyes shot between the two anxiously. If Connor were to remain a machine, he wouldn't hesitate to shoot us both. After a second, I saw his eyes twitching slightly and his arms beginning to shake. His grip on the gun faltered. Almost like he was fighting himself. A few seconds felt like years before his stiff form slackened and he lowered the gun, glancing at his hands. I grinned. He'd broken his program.

"They're going to attack Jericho!"

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