Chapter 5

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Despite the harsh wind lashing at my face and the snow decorating both my eyelashes and hair, I could barely feel the cold. My knees had been tugged tightly to my chest as I sat in the snow, the water seeping into my pants, looking out at the blinding sunlight. My chin rested on my knees as I fiddled with my fingers. I heard a door open nearby but I didn't look to see where. A hand suddenly came into contact with my shoulder and I jumped, quickly turned to the direction of the hand. Markus was towering over me, his face contorted in concern. He moved to sit next to me and I looked away.

"Is everything alright?" he questioned softly

"I'm fine Markus," I answered, almost silently 

"Don't lie to me." He shot back, firmly but kindly.

"I'm just a little shaken. Honestly, don't worry." I sighed

"That's rich, seeing as I'm a care android." Markus joked lightly and I breathed out a laugh.

"Touche," I replied, smiling slightly. Markus silently wrapped an arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his side.

"You don't have to tell me what happened. Not if you don't want to. Just want you to know if you need or want to talk to, I'm always here." He stated

"Markus, seriously, don't worry. You've got this revolution to be thinking about. Focus on your people." I responded

"I always have time to worry about my family. Besides you're helping me lead this. You're as much of a leader as I am." Markus smiled and I couldn't help but smile back. Suddenly, the door opened again.

"Markus, you might want to get down here." I heard Sean say and  Markus nodded.

"Alright, I'll be with you in a minute," Markus answered.

"Of course. Bye (Y/N)" Sean smiled and I waved in response. We'd grown close in the small amount of time I'd been staying on the boat.

"(Y/N), tonight you need to stay away from me and all Cyberlife stores." Markus warned.

"Another protest?"I asked and he nodded "Just stay safe.."

"I'll try my best," He responded. He kissed my forehead before getting up and walking inside.

I yawned quietly as I walked to my desk, clutching a coffee in my hand. Hank was glaring at his computer and I sat on the corner of my desk, on the lane across from him, but still fairly close.

"Having some trouble there Hank?" I teased and Hank jumped. He sent me a glare but smiled.

"No, just reading something. You watched the news lately?" hank enquired.

" Watched it this morning after helping Philip with Dad's breakfast. I'm proud of Markus. Glad he's alive too." I replied. Hank folded his arms

"He's making a good job of this whole revolution." He pondered and I near grinned.

"I know. He's smart. Making the public love him because he's taken little violent action. He's protecting his people." I stated, Hank raised an eyebrow.
"Have you seen him since the night he got shot?"He asked, causing me to freeze.

"No-"I began

"And don't bullshit me." He growled.


"When?" he demanded.
£I saw him yesterday and the day before that." I answered anxiously. Well, there goes my career.

"So, that means you probably know where all the deviants are." It was like an interrogation. Now I understood what people meant when they said Hank was intimidating. Hank took my silence as an answer

"So, this whole time Connor'a been throwing a tantrum about the fact he didn't know where the deviants were, you've kept it to yourself?" Hank snapped in a harsh whisper. I kept my eyes locked on the floor and nodded.

"Well, good job kid," he stated and my head shot up.

"What?" I was shocked beyond belief.
"You've done well. Those deviants deserve a chance. Even if it's slim." He responded and I grinned before taking a sip of  my coffee, wincing as it burnt my tongue

"Hey, uh, that's something else I have to tell you. We've been taken off the deviant cases, we're back to homicide now.FBI has taken over. That's why Connor's over there sending a report to Cyberlife."Hank stated and I rolled my eyes

"Great. Another thing Perkin's smug ass can rub in our faces along with my brother's drug problem and your unlikely drinking habits."I muttered

"Speak of the devil." Hank retorted and I turned to see Perkins sauntering in.

"Son of a bitch." I sighed, seeing a wide smirk stitched onto his face as he looked in our direction. I flinched when a certain android appeared next to me, nearly spilling my coffee.

"Lieutenants, please. I know we can solve this. I know I can solve this. I just need more time. is there anything either of you can do? Maybe distract Perkins? I only need a few minutes. I could find Jericho. please Hank, (Y/N)." Connor begged and I glared at the android slightly.

"Sorry, Connor. Maybe they deserve a chance. So, no. I won't help." Hank replied, patting Connor's shoulder before walking past him to the coffee room. Connor's puppy eyes turned to me.

"Nope. No way. After what you did at Elijah's yesterday, I'm not helping you. Deviants deserve as much of a chance at life as I or Hank do." I stated before hopping off my desk and following Hank, shooting a harsh glare at Perkins.

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