Chapter 9

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It was disgusting. We were unarmed but they still shot at us. We didn't hurt nor kill anyone. we just marched. But they'd shot down at least half of our people. However, there was no time to mourn as we prepared. Me, Markus and Josh pushed an abandoned car to block an entrance and I sighed.

"We all know that's not going to hold. Let's hope it buys us some time." I muttered, climbing over the car to get back inside the barricade. I began checking on the raiming androids, feeling the dread pull on my heart. Suddenly.

"(Y/N)! Markus! Come look!" North yelled and I hurried over, weaving through the small crowd. We peaked over the top of the barricade, seeing Perkins standing there, his hands in the pocket of his coat. He looked at us casually, almost too casual,

"Shit."I cursed, folding my arms.

"Markus! (Y/N)! I've come to talk to you both!"He called

"Markus, we can't go. It's a trap. They want us out in the open. Don't trust him." I reasoned before Perkins butted in.

"I'm unarmed Markus! I just want to talk." Perkins persuaded and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I need to hear what he has to say. You can come or you can stay here, but I'm going to talk to him."Markus responded, turning to look at me.

"What if they kill you two?" North was practically begging. I really felt for her.

"That's a chance I'll have to take. Are you coming or not, (Y/N)?" Markus questioned and I sighed, quickly running a hand through my hair.

"Okay. If it means we get more information." I mumbled and Markus flashed me a reassuring smile before climbing over the barricade. He took my hand and helped me get over. Markus kept a firm hold of my hand and I felt my anxiety creeping more every step we took, my body shaking in response. Perkins had a slight smirk on his face and his hands moved from his pockets to be folded behind his back. Somehow, that made me even more nervous. A look of disgust came over his face at mine and Markus's entwined hands.

"In a few minutes, the troops will be ordered to charge. None of you will survive. It will all be over. But you can avoid this, Markus, (Y/N)." He declared and I narrowed my eyes.

"What do you mean?" Markus asked, practically dragging the words from my mouth.

"Surrender. Surrender and I give you my word, your people will be spared. They'll be detained, but none of you will be destroyed." Perkins responded, a dark glint in his eye.

"What happened to the other android demonstrating in camps?" I interrupted, shooting daggers at the agent towering above me.

"Unfortunately, there were no journalists around to dave them. That's it. They're the last remaining deviants."Perkins answered, raising an eyebrow as he gestured to the people behind us.

"You're asking us to betray our people?" Markus redirected the conversation

"YOUR people, Markus. In case you've forgotten, she isn't an android. And I'm offering you the chance to save your people." Perkins corrected.

"OUR people, Perkins. They are the people I'm fighting for. They may have different blood to me but they are alive." I growled. He simply rolled his eyes,

"You're not walking out of here. The only thing you can save are the lives of those around you."Perkins taunted. I glared at him before I heard a voice calling my name softly. I turned my head and saw Connor 'hiding' behind the tree. A few of the FBI agents had their guns aimed at him but Perkins waved them off.

"Looks like you've got someone waiting for you. Go have fun with your sex-bot, while you still can."Perkins teased and I saw Markus tense as I glared daggers at him. Markus squeezed my hand lightly.

"Go to Connor, he can keep you safe longer than I can." He whispered quietly before kissing my hand and releasing it. My hand fell to my side and I hesitated. Shaking my head, I spat at Perkins' feet before running over to the detective.

"(Y/N), you have to come quick! Hank's in danger!"Connor was panicking and his statement made me freeze. My heart stopped

"How?!" I demanded, grabbing Connor's arm sharply.

"No time to explain, we need to go! C'mon! Let's get out of the war zone! You go first, so I can protect you." Connor answered and I nodded, instantly breaking into a sprint. Almost immediately after our first step, gunshots rung out and dashed by our feet, making it look like we were dancing. I moved a hand in front of me to stop the snowflakes from getting my eyes and my (H/C) hair blocking my vision. I soon heard gunshots right behind, so I deduced that Connor had started firing back. In my frenzy to get to safety, to get to Hank, I never noticed the cold, distant look in his eyes. Snaps of cameras soon joined into the orchestra of bullets. Connor began catching up and I pushed myself to move faster, though I knew it was pointless. After what felt like centuries, we slowed to a stop, my legs aching and lungs burning. We were on the outskirts of Detroit, only mere minutes away from Cyberlife Tower and as I was about to turn around, I heard a click joined with something hard behind pushed against the back of my head. I tensed and I heard a low, dark chuckle echo from behind me.

"Oh, poor, poor (Y/N). So gullible, so trusting. And so sickeningly love-struck."Connor's voice snarled.

"Connor, w-what are you doing?" I asked, my voice coming out shakier than I anticipated. I slowly spun on my heel so the barrel was pressed against my forehead, my (E/C) orbs mixing with his.
"Accomplishing my mission, by any means necessary. You are going to come with me to Cyberlife Tower and put an end to this obscure game the deviants seem to be playing. You seem to be the priority in the RK800-51's eyes."He growled. This wasn't my Connor. I glared at the android in front of me, despite the fear coursing through my veins. 

"Connor won't fall for your bullshit. And I'd happily die if it means that androids get to live in freedom." I snapped and a small smirk took dominance of not-Connor's lips.

"Then you shouldn't mind this." He said and before I could even question him, not-Connor swung his arm back and hit me over the face with the gun. Immediately, everything went black.

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