Chapter 8

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I awoke to soft beeping and the feeling of something wrapped around my arms. My eyes opened, only to be blinded by the sun peeking through the gap in the curtains. I groaned quietly, feeling groggy and sore, and attempted to sit up, only to have two strong hands push me back to a laying position.

"(Y/N), I would advise you to stay still for a few minutes longer, as any movement could potentially disrupt your bandages." The familiar voice of Philip spoke and the doctor android towered over me, blocking the sun. That's when I came to the sudden realisation that I was back in my room, back at Dad's house.

"How long have I been out?" I enquired, rubbing my eye. I cringed at the croak in my voice.

"Only a few hours. Your wound isn't too bad, the impact of the fall was what resulted in the large amounts of blood. It should heal up quickly." He responded formally and I sighed.

"Who brought me back?" I pushed, quickly pushing my hair from my face. Philip picked up a water bottle from the stand next to me and passed it to me before replying.

"A few androids. I believe the names they went by were Markus, North and Connor. Though, I am told that North left approximately fifty-three minutes ago." He answered before turning around and checking the monitor. After a few seconds, he began unhooking me from the medical equipment.

"Where are the other two?" Philip glanced up at me. I'm surprised he was sick of my questions by now.

"Markus is in your father's room, and Connor is downstairs waiting for you." He stated and I sat up again, wincing at the sting in my stomach.

"Do you think I'm well enough to go wandering around?" I asked and Philip began cleaning the equipment and putting it in its appropriate place. 

"I don't see why not. Just be careful." He answered, his back to me. I nodded, though he couldn't see before thanking him and quickly walking to my dad's room. Markus was sitting on the corner of the bed, talking to my dad quietly. I stood in the doorway, folding my arms over my chest. It was peaceful for once. It was nice. They were catching up and I saw the way my dad looked at Markus. The same way he looks at me and used to look at Leo. The way he used to look at Lily. Like he was family. And in a way he was. Markus looked after my father more than Leo ever did. Markus was more of a brother than Leo anyway. After a few minutes, I made my presence known by clearing my throat.

"Hey, guys. Hope you haven't had too much fun without me." I said, walking into the room properly. Markus instantly shot up and engulfed me in a tight hug. I heard a soft whirring noise and could only assume Dad had moved his bed into a sitting position. I gave Markus a quick squeeze of a hug before patting his back and letting go. I walked to my Dad, leaning down to give him a gentle hug and a kiss on the forehead. He kissed my hand in return.

"Jesus, (Y/N), don't do that to us. We thought you were going to die." Markus said, relief and panic simultaneously edging his voice.

"What? Me? I thought you knew me, Markus. A little bullet isn't going to stop me." I shrugged, smiling cheekily. I heard Dad chuckle.

"Well, you are a Manfred. There's no doubt about that. However, when you told me you were going to stay with a friend, this is not what I had in mind." Dad added and I saw a smile ghost Markus's lips.

"I think you should go downstairs. You've got a certain android sent by Cyberlife witing for you." Markus stated and I blushed lightly.

"Alright. Markus, take care of my Dad." I mumbled as I passed Markus on the way out. He nodded before I walked out the room and down the stairs, heading for the living room/ library. As I entered the room, I kept my head angled away from Dad's art studio. it hurt too much to look at. I saw Connor sitting awkwardly on one of the seats, examining his hands intently.

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