Chapter 4

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I huffed, tugging my coat closer to my body as the windscreen wipers attempted to rid the window of the endless stream of snow.

"Where are we heading again?"I asked grumpily

"You'll see," Hank responded, keeping his eyes on the white road ahead.

"God, I hate it when you're vague," I muttered and he raised his eyebrow.

"Lieutenant Manfred, I assure you that you'll find comfort in where we going." Connor piped up and I rolled my eyes. Cyberlife really DID think of everything.

"Alright, Connor, whatever you say," I said sarcastically.

Eventually, Hank pulled his car into park and opened the door, getting out. Connor followed quickly before walking to my door and opening it, offering me a hand. I smiled lightly and accepted his hand, using it to help me out the car. He stared at me, keeping my hand in his a minute longer than necessary. After a few seconds, he snapped out of it, dropping my hand and rushing forward to Hank. They chatted idly, but I swore I could see a faint blue tainting his cheeks. A grin slowly spread to my lips upon seeing the house in front of me. I hadn't been here in years. When we reached the door, I knocked lightly, one of Elijah's Chloe's answering almost instantly, knocking Hank back a little. Chloe turned her attention to me and a polite smile came to her face.

"Hello (Y/N). This is a pleasant surprise, Elijah hasn't seen you in years. He will be pleased to reunite. How are you?" She asked, and I smiled back.

"I'm very well thank you. I'm sorry I haven't visited for a while, life gets in the way, you know?" I responded before nodding my head towards Hank, who clearly wanted to get past the pointless chatter.

"How can I help you?" She asked the two men, turning her gaze towards them.

"I-Um. I'm Lieutenant Hank Anderson of the Detroit Police Department. We're here to see Mr Kamski." Hank responded, standing up straighter, quickly flashing her his badge.

"Please, come in. Take a seat, I'll tell Elijah you're here." She replied, opening the door wider and closing it once we'd all filtered in. She then walked to the door that I knew led to his pool. Hank sat down in the chair next to mine and turned his head to look at me, his longish grey hair floating to follow.

" Mind telling me what that was about?"He interrogated and I chuckled lightly.

"Hank, I'm the daughter of Carl Manfred, who's first android was given to him by Elijah Kamksi, do you really think I don't know him? We grew up together, Leo hated him but we got along like a house on fire."I responded and Hank still looked pretty shocked but shifted in his seat to peer at Connor, who was pacing the room, looking at its content.

"Nice girl.." He said, attempting to stir up a conversation with the detective.

"RT600. The first Cyberlife android to pass the Turing test." Connor responded. Damn. he knew his shit,

"I didn't ask for technical specs.... I just said that she was nice."Hank sighed. God, he really was trying.

"Nice place. Guess androids weren't a bad thing for everybody." he tried again. After receiving no response, I tried.

"So, you're about to meet your maker, Connor. How's it feel?" I questioned, leaning forward in my seat,

"It doesn't raise any existential questions if that's what you mean." I half glared at the android before leaning back.

"Sometimes I wish I could meet my creator face to face. I'd have a couple of things I'd want to tell him." Hank added and I sighed. After fidgeting for a while longer, Connor sat down albeit stiffly- though that was to be expected. We all fell into an uncomfortable silence, the music playing softly. Upon hearing the door open, Hank immediately stood up, Connor following after.

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