Chapter 7

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My smile instantly dropped and I flinched upon hearing gunshots echoing through the air, screams soon following after.

"We have to get out of here," Connor stated and Markus's hand clenched into a fist.

"Shit!" He exclaimed sharply, sprinting out the door. Connor instantly followed, grabbing my hand to pull me along. We followed Markus through the maze of a boat until we bumped into North.

"They're coming in from all sides, our people are trapped in the hold! they're going to be slaughtered!"North blurted, clearly distraught. Markus put two fingers to his temple, most likely sending a message.

"Where's Josh and Sean?" I questioned, gently putting a hand on Norths arm.

"Sean got out with some of the androids. I don't know where Josh is, we got separated," she responded.

"They're coming in from the upper deck now too. We'll be caught in the crossfire." Markus suddenly interrupted

"We have to run, you two. There's nothing we can do!"North argued, I tensed at Markus's next words.

"We have to blow up Jericho. if the ship goes down, they'll evacuate and our people can escape."He concluded, taking a few steps forward.

"You'll never make it! The explosives are in the hold, there are soldiers everywhere!"North quelled 

"She's right! They know who you are, they'll do anything to get you!" Connor added and Markus suddenly turned to me.

"(Y/N), go and help the others, I'll join you later." he ordered and I n odded, beginning to sprint ogf to help some of the androids, faintly hearing Markus say.

"Connor, protect her at all costs." and something else I couldn't make out. I heard footsteps echoing behind me before a familiar android was running beside me. As we ran into one of the corridors, I saw an android on the floor with the two girls, Kara and Alice, standing above him, looking panicked. However, on the other side of the corridor, I saw three androids being corned by two FBI agents. My head shot between the two groups of people.

"It's too late Kara! Save yourself! Save Alice!" The unknown android said.

"Please! We're begging you!Please!" One of the cornered androids called. I was torn, with a cloud of guilt hanging over my head, I turned to help the cornered deviants until...

"No, we're not going to leave you behind! Right, Kara? We can't leave him!" Alice insisted and my heart was wrenched out. God, she was so much like Lucy. Maybe that's why I couldn't let her die. I looked over at Connor.

"Go help those people, I'll be back in a second," I demanded, pointing in the direction of the cornered, helpless people. Connor's eyebrows furrowed.

"We'd have a higher success and survival rate if we stayed together-" he argued.

"Did I ask you to argue? Fucking. Go." I growled and Connor gulped. I turned on my heel, running towards the small family. Kara was attempting to pick up the larger android with little success, so I took the androids other arm and placed it over my shoulder. Kara smiled at me in thanks and Alice looked relieved

"Come on, let's get him to one of the side rooms," I said quietly as to not alert any FBI agents. I heard a few grunts and gunshots from behind me, which I assumed to be Connor fucking up the FBI's plan to destroy the three androids. We led the damaged man to one of the inner rooms and slowly placed him down in the corner. Alice instantly leapt on me for a hug. I held her tightly.

"You shouldn't have done that. You can't put Alice in danger. Go now, before they come back!" he said and i saw Kara shift. Alice let go of me slowly. I gently ruffled her hair.

"What about you? What are you going to do?" Kara questioned.

"I'll manage." He responded quickly.

"Kara, I need to go. There is an exit three corridors down. Follow the other androids before wishing well to the family and running off. After assisting some damaged/trapped androids and kicking some FBI ass, I ran back into Connor, who grabbed my hand firmly and practically dragged me along with him, to Markus, North and Josh. The three were already running from FBI and we tagged, Connor, letting go of my hand. I began lagging behind and North slowed town to make sure I was protected. However, just as two gunshots rang out, I felt an excruciating amount of pain in my stomach and I dropped on the floor. One hand gripping the pained area, I attempted to get up but found it too agonising.



I heard two voices call simultaneously and I saw Markus pick up a piece of metal, protecting him from the oncomng stream of bullets, and throwing it before helping North up before the two ran off. I could hear the marching and bullets get closer so squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for the FBI to kill me or take me in for questioning. But before could happen, I heard feet run towards me, so my eyes snapped open. There Connor was, running towards me, using Markus's form of protection. He put one hand on my shoulder and the other just above my wound, trying to lift me up. I slowly limped, the FBI getting closer every second. Connor quickly picked me up bridal style and ran to the ledge. Markus looked at the dark water below us before jumping in, the rest of us following suit. We swam to the surface, seeing a man standing in the spot we were just standing on seconds before. As we got to land, I dragged myself out of the water starting to feel dizzy. I was applying pressure to the wound but that seemed to somehow make it worse. It was probably going to get infected. Everyone was trying to talk to me but everything was muffled and slurred. Black dots began to cloud my vision and Connor gently took my face in his hands, tapping my cheek softly, mumbling something incoherent. He was panicking. Before I could react, blackness completely dominated my eyes and I'd dropped to the floor like a stone.

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