Chapter 10

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A sharp impact left a sting on my cheek, succeeding in waking me. My back was frozen as I laid in the snow, eyes opening to see the Cyberlife Tower. A harsh, iron-like grip tugged me to my feet as not-Connor dragged me into the building. This had clearly been predicted and planned for as all guards granted access for the android to get through. Immediately after the doors to the immaculate elevator opened, I was the thrown in, the Connor look-alike clearly not caring how I had smashed my head against the wall. Not-Connor pressed a button before speaking

"RK800 model #313 248 317-41, level -49."He stated and the monitor flashed a fluorescent green before we began to descend. There was a tense silence as we travelled to the lower level, the android kept his back to me as I shot glares at him. Once we reached our destination, the grip returned on my arm and shoved me into the stream of blank, pristine androids. Shortly after, on the opposing side of the containment level, four soldiers ran to the elevator we had exited mere minutes ago. All the soldiers had their guns aimed at the doors. After what felt like years of confusion, the doors opened revealing Connor. MY Connor. I felt my blood run cold as I realised they were going to kill him, but before I could properly process this thought, Connor shot into action. He stole the gun from a soldier he had kicked in the face, using it to knock another soldier out with the barrel off it. A shot rang out and I jumped, panicking before I realised Connor shot one of the soldiers. The remaining soldiers were quickly beaten when his gun was stolen from him and he had to engage in combat with the superior being. Silence soon followed, but it was quickly disturbed by the sound of Connor's feet falling softly as he headed over to one of the androids. I took a breath in to shout to Connor, to warn him but a cold hand was harshly clamped over my mouth, pressing the gun against my temple as a warning. A few rows down, Connor took the arm of one of the androids before the hand was taken from my mouth and I was roughly shoved out into the aisle.

"Easy, you fucking piece of shit!" I growled, being pushed out so the other Connor was in sight. Actual Connor's puppy dog eyes turned to and shifted to one of anger, concern and fear all at once.

"Step back, and I'll spare her!"Not-Connor exclaimed, shoving the gun into my temple.

"Sorry, Connor. This bastard's your spitting image!" I snapped, glaring at the android beside me.

"Your friend's life is in your hands! Now it's time to decide what matter most! Her life or the revolution!" Not-Connor stated coldly.

"Don't listen to him! Everything this fucker say is a lie!" I interrupted and the gun was lightly smacked against my head as a warning. I saw Connor's eyes narrow at that.

"I'm sorry (Y/N)! You shouldn't have gotten mixed into this!" Connor apologies and I nearly rolled my eyes. I loved him but this was not the time to be apologising.

"Forget about me, do what you need to do," I replied quickly, winking at Connor to try to chill him out.

"If I surrender, how do I know you won't kill her?" Connor enquired, still keeping a strong grip on the android he was originally going to convert.

"I'll only do what is strictly necessary to accomplish my mission. It's up to you whether or not that includes killing this human." Not-Connor spat out 'human' like it had a foul taste on his tongue. There was a brief pause before I flinched as the gun was jutted against my temple.

"ENOUGH TALK! It's time to decide who you are! Are you going to save the life of your partner or are you going to sacrifice her?" He hissed.

"Alright! Alright, you win." Connor said before hesitantly letting go of the android's arm. Not-Connor had his eyes fixated on Connor's every move so, in his distracted state, I surged at him.  He was stronger than me, but I couldn't let him ruin our last chance. Not-Connor instantly kicked me in the stomach making me double over at the pain pulsating through the wound. He then pushed me to the ground, out of the way, and I saw Connor lunge at Not-Connor, a look of fury painted on his face. The two began fighting, fists flying and grunts emitting from their throats. It was impossible to tell who was who. Neither android was winning as they were both the same model. It wasn't physically possible for one to be superior. Suddenly, I saw a glint of silver on the ground and noticed Not-Connor had dropped his gun. I stood up as quick as I could, clutching my stomach tightly, and picked up the gun, aiming it at the two battling androids. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2018 ⏰

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