Larry Can Pull It Off (Ace Attorney)

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He sold over a hundred balloons today. He knew cheap prices would persuade the parents and kids to buy them. Good things at a cheap price dazzled people. Coincidently, someone has certainly been dazzling Larry lately: Alita Tiala. She was engaged to the son of a mob boss, who Larry didn't like. She deserved better, he knew she did. Someone as beautiful as her deserved a sweet, sexy guy, and Larry was referring to himself.

He could never forget her soft brown hair, small eyes, a green scarf, yellow dress with a four-leaf clover with angel wings on. No way - she was such a glorious angel. Whenever he saw her face all of his troubles had melted away. It was too bad she wasn't single. But he found the perfect balloon for Alita. Once a week she would come and buy a couple of multicoloured balloons. Larry let his racing heart take over and gave her a discount. And that childish giggle made him die a little bit inside. He remembered the most amazing moment from yesterday; Alita came, bought the usual and they started chatting for a while.

"So when are you getting married?" Larry asked.

"It's a month away," Alita replied. "I'll let you into a little secret though." Larry felt his heart thump as he heard Alita's cute voice whisper into his ear. "I don't really like him much," Larry smirked, knowing he had a chance.

"These things happen," Larry said.

"Maybe I can divorce him and I can get a fortune," Alita whispered, leaving some giggles. She would have been slaughtered if she was heard saying this stuff, but Larry was willing to keep a secret: anything for his precious Alita.

"Go you!" Larry agreed. "I'll be cheering you on."

"Thanks for the sweet texts you gave me," Alita said off topic. Larry assumed what he said reminded her of all the messages he gave her.

"You're most welcome."

"These balloons will look great for the wedding." Alita still smiled. "At least I'll be socially secure. I hope Wocky gets found innocent though."

"What do you mean?"

"He was arrested for murder!" Alita gasped. She held onto her scarf and faced the floor. "If he gets put into prison, my plan will be a disaster! I've got to go now. I need to find a lawyer to prove his innocence, I'll see you later Larry."

"You know if you have any problems you can come to me," Larry said.

"Thank you, Larry!" And he got a kiss from the most adorable woman in town. He still hoped he was onto something special.

Two weeks later, Alita was found guilty of murder. Larry knew where his next job was going to be. And Larry was going to make sure her cell was extravagant, largely full of balloons and gorgeous stuff. She wouldn't even have to worry about security, Larry would fight to make sure she was safe. He prayed that she doesn't get sentenced to death.

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