The Row of The Month (Pokemon)

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Over the past three days that had been great tension between Ash and May. Brock and Max were the first people to notice it and in public, other people were able to notice it over time as well. Max was upset about it at first because he liked travelling and if Ash and May fell out it would mean that he would have to return home and meet his school-bullies again.

All four of them were staying at the local pokemon centre in Slateport. Max didn't like it when May was on her period, she would lash out it just upsets Max. Ash had been away all day and when he returned back to his room at eleven at night, May had a lot to say to him. Max knew that deep down, May didn't mean the nasty things she had said and what she was about to say, as May always found her time of the months very stressful.

"Where the hell have you been?" May bellowed. As Max witnessed May scream so loud that Unova could hear them, he was so tempted to whisper into Ash's ear and tell him not to worry. Brock understood exactly what was going on as he had to comfort his sisters when they started their periods.

Ash yawned. "Training!"

"Stuffing your face in McDonald's is training?" May asked. She had heard that Ash had breakfast at McDonald's and was secretly jealous that she wasn't invited. "I can't believe you spent all your trainer's allowance on food."

"Better than spending it on clothes."

May was offended. "Excuse me, Your Highness, I need clothes for my contests."

"And I need my food to live."

"You could have saved some for me."

"I hadn't eaten all day."

"You still could have saved me some!" May waved her fingers. "That's a gentlemen's duty!"

"What are you talking about May?"Ash was confused, but also frustrated. Their argument was just as intense as the pokemon battles he often got into. "I'm not a gentleman."

"I know you're not," May snapped. She crossed her arms and marched around the room. "You should be."

"Hey what's gotten into you?" Ash asked. He held his back against the wall as the pair of them kept fierce eye-contact. "You've always been a nice girl but once a month for one week you become a... monster."

"Sometimes I really love you," May yelled. It was random and out of the blue.

"And... huh?"

"Sorry," May giggled. "Time of the month. But in all seriousness, I really do love you. I think you're a beautiful person and I would love to spend the rest of my life with you."

"I guess I love you too."

Max sighed with a huge smile on his face. "Thank goodness you two stopped arguing. I do love a happy ending."

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