Chapter 13- Bull***t

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"Do you think that we should schedule some time off now, especially because we know the due date, and we know that the baby will be here near there?"

"I don't think we need to really schedule anything, just talk about when I'm going to start taking leave, and then when I'm going to come back. I don't want to just do nothing all day leading up, so I can take some case work home, maybe even some paralegal work, anything that'll help the clinic." Mike laughed at his wife, remembering how committed she was.

"Are you sure, maybe you should just take the time for yourself, and do some things that you wouldn't be able to do if you were working?"

"What can I do? By that time, surely, I'll be fit to burst, so it's not like I can really go anywhere on my own. I think it's best if when I leave, I still do work at home, just so that the time goes quicker."

"Okay, when were you thinking you should leave?" Mike got up to put the cereal box back into the cupboard, whilst still engaging in the conversation.

"Well, I was thinking, I'm twenty-four weeks now, and showing! Six months it's been, god." Rachel looked down at her growing bump getting distracted, and a hand placed on her skin.

"Hey, think of it as three months to go, you can do this. You've done brilliantly so far." Mike felt the baby wriggle as he looked up, Rachel quaintly smiled.

"I was thinking around thirty-one weeks, it's a bit later than most, but I think I should be fine until then. And that only leaves me nine weeks until the thirtieth."

"Alright, but if you feel like you can't handle before then, you tell me, and we can arrange something for you. Okay? So, at work tomorrow we can tell Oliver, get Hayley in, she can take most of the work you would handle in that time, and then over the year, we can get the associates to cover it, make them feel more involved."

"You sure you can handle it by yourself?" Rachel joked, to which Mike scoffed.

"I'm sure it'll be fine, maybe just a little bit disorganised than it was for a while."

"Mhm, I'm sure it will. I hate that, if I get back and all the files are flung around, I will personally march you in and make you tidy it all up." Rachel took a last bite of her toast and stood up, placing the plate in the sink next to Mike's orange juice glass. "Oh, I bought the car seat today, and the pushchair, I got the black and white starred one, apparently monochrome is a great stimulant for babies. Plus, it looks cute."

"Okay, just so long as I look like a cool dad pushing it around the city! Does it fit in the boot of the car?"

"Yeah, it folds up, and now you've finally plucked up the courage to legally drive, you can be trusted in ferrying us around!" Rachel teased him for being so late in driving.

"Hey, I'll have you know I took to it like a duck to water. I'm a natural." Mike protested, pointing to the car keys rested on the countertop. Rachel giggled as he turned the water on, rinsing the tableware to go into the dishwasher.

"What about names Mike. We ought to start thinking about it, properly," Rachel's face suddenly lit up with an idea, "Bullshit."

"Okay, bullshit." Mike looked back and turned the tap off, placing the last plate into the dishwasher.

"How about, we use Nina in a middle name, because we can always have two middle names. I just want your mom to be with us for this."

"I'd say that's a good idea, but I don't know. I think she'd love that."

"Okay, that's good. Remember bullshit can't get you out of locking yourself in. Other names, do you have any that you really like?"

"Um, I've always liked the name Sophie, I think it's kinda cute."

"Mmm, maybe. I like Isabella. Saying that, I want her to have a name most kids at her school don't have. Like, Rosalie, or something like that."

"Rosalie, hey? Unique, let's see, Genevieve, Hope, maybe even Lilliana."

"Woah, you're good at this." Rachel smiled. "you've got to think of it in different circumstances. Like, if you're telling her off, or shouting at her to get her attention. Or if her name is being called out because she's won an award at school."

"That's our baby girl, winning awards." Mike smiled at the thought of her being smart like the both of them.

"Well, at least we have some names that we both like now."

"Woah, woah, woah, who said I liked Rosalie?"

"Umm, your face said that. The cute little smile you did when I brought up that name."

"Who knows, but now we have some names we're going to have to narrow it down in due course."

"Yes, I know. Ooh, if we called her Rosalie, we could call her Rose, or Rosy, how about that?" Rachel grinned at Mike, who had rolled his eyes.

"You really like it, don't you?" He kissed her gently and then took in a deep breath.

"So, what are we going to do today?" Rachel tried to put some practicality to the day.

"I was thinking, we can start to paint the nursery grey. And then go out and look for some decorations to put in it. Whilst waiting to put on the second coat, maybe you can help me build the most complicated crib ever."

"Sounds amazing, but in my defence, I didn't know it was going to be that complicated, and no pressure, but it can't just fall apart, she has to sleep in it for a long while."

"Oh... Okay, I thought she just looked at it." Mike took Rachel in an embrace, holding her lower back towards him. 'We will do our best, I'm sure it'll be great."

"Yes, I'm sure it will."

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