Chapter 12- Dinner

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"So, what did you get up to?" Mike dug into the curry that Rachel and Donna had made, more Rachel than Donna.

"Well, we didn't go anywhere, clearly! Rachel was telling me all about your adventures to the beach, and the one to that restaurant. Classy." She rolled her eyes.

"Hey! They were some romantic ideas I had there. And I don't know why you're laughing babe, you loved it. Let me think what you told me, oh yes, that you love me?"

"Um, excuse me, that was before you almost set me, and the entire restaurant on fire. And besides, you redeemed yourself." She pointed at him and raised one of her eyebrows suggestively. Mike nearly choked on his water. They had made a rule that no one would drink at dinner, to make Rachel feel at least a little bit better.

"Oi, I'm sat here you know, you've been alone for so long, do I have to remind you of your own guests?"

'No one has to remind anyone if Donna is anywhere near them. Funnily enough, she seems to make herself known." Mike half-joked and smiled facetiously.

"Okay, that's enough pretty boy. And they say you're in charge of a whole firm now?"

"Well, they say. They also say that you won a huge case yesterday. Guess they are quite generous with their aphorisms." Mike played along, whilst Rachel watched him try and dig himself out of his hole.

"Yes, we did. Let's just say, remember when I slapped Daniel Hardman, it was much more satisfying to slap someone who stuck it to Harvey for even longer than he did."

'Oh, you're protecting him now?" Rachel couldn't help but snigger at his naïve remarks.

"That's my job... or it was." Donna remembered that she wasn't actually Harvey's secretary.

"Haha, caught you in the act. You know, Rachel told me about your little rule, and if you think about it, it was pretty dumb. Me and the wifey worked together, look where that got us. She also told me about your little, moment after the DA's office." Rachel blushed as it seemed her truth was revealed and Mike teased further.

"Yep, okay, you've said enough Mike, but keep in mind. I won that spa trip, thank you very much."

"Rachel, Mike, that's enough. We are not here to discuss my life with Harvey. We are here to discuss, Baby Names!"

"Donna, we haven't even chosen a top twenty yet! We don't know." Mike said, changing his tone to a more serious one.

"Oh, god, I just touched a raw nerve. I'm sorry."

"It's okay Donna, it's just important to us, Mike and I find huge pressure in that. How about the nursery, we've planned that out, and began to buy paint, and furniture!" Rachel quickly stood in for Mike and he cleared his throat.

"Ooh, what colour? What wood are you going for?"

'We went grey and pink, with white painted wood. The crib we got is one with a higher mattress, but not too high. Hopefully after she gets into a sleeping pattern, and grows out sleeping in our room, she'll love that thing." Rachel made a successful attempt to change the subject, and hoped Mike would string along.

"She better. Do you know how expensive all this baby kit is? Seriously, it's a good job I signed another client today, otherwise I don't know what we would've done!"

"It's not like you're hard off. Come on, Mike, look at this beautiful house you have."

"And this beautiful wife!" He gestured towards Rachel. He wanted to find a way thank her for covering him. They glanced at each other lovingly for a moment. Mike placed his hand on her thigh.

"What about a stroller? Have you got one yet?"

"Rachel has been looking online for things like that, we've decided to hold off on buying too much, you know, you can never be too careful, but we still want to be prepared. I think all the links are copied into her notes on her phone so she can go and buy them when she wants to, and when we've agreed it's the one we want."

"I looked, and it seems like the best option is to get one where she can lay down, just like a pram, and then we can upgrade her as she gets older. I found some ones that you can buy a main frame and then buy the pieces as they go, as well as a matching car seat that we can use as a buggy clipped in as well. I'll show you before you go, the patterns are too adorable to choose one!" Rachel smiled whilst talking about shopping.

"Yeah, who knew that car seats needed another part that goes in the car?" Donna laughed.

"Um, me, I did." Rachel looked at Mike superior.

"You guys, I'm so excited to see this little kid. I wish I could see her grow up, like every day."

"Good job FaceTime exists, right?" Mike looked at her as she smiled at her friends.

They talked until Donna had to leave for her flight, and Rachel and Mike stayed up for a bit longer, chatting, and maybe resolving some issues regarding baby names.

"Thank you for making it seem okay. It's just hard for me to get my head around this whole thing. This name has to be perfect, and I've never been perfect. I'm a messy person, my head I mean. Like, if I didn't make the bed, or draw the curtains I'd get slated."

"Heyyyy. Listen, you're perfect to me." She pulled him in closer, now feeling his breath in time with hers.

'Thanks Rachel, I love you."

"But if you don't draw the curtains tomorrow, I will have to take action."

They sat in each other's embrace on the sofa before making their way up to their room for the night.

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