Chapter 28- What Are You Doing Here?

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"Donna, what's going on?" Harvey called to her as she walked past the outside of his office, and she responded, but not how she usually would.

"Uhm, nothing? I think there's some people here to see you." She smiled at him and moved her eyes towards the open glass door. Two people and a stroller were approaching, and Harvey looked slightly confused, but smiled.

"What are these people doing in my office, they haven't got business." Harvey stood from his desk and closed the lid of his laptop, by which time Mike, Rachel and the mysterious stroller had got to the door, and Rachel was embracing Donna, subsequently Mike, before they made their way into Harvey's office.

"Harvey, long time no see." Mike joked and hugged Harvey, whilst laughing.

"Harvey." Rachel nodded her head towards him and smiled gently.

"Guys, what the hell are you doing all the way back here?" Mike laughed and pointed towards Donna and Rachel, who were already gushing over each other, Donna peering in to see Rosalie.

"They asked me how you were, so I said you were fine, getting your ass kicked a bit by Samantha, but it's all good. They wanted to pop down before their Christmas holiday was over. So, I just simply sent your jet over." Donna looked all innocent at Harvey.

"Yeah, we're actually fun people and like to take a holiday sometime." Mike joked and linked hands with Rachel.

"Well you and I both know that I don't take holidays."

"Maybe you should, with Samantha Wheeler being here?"

"Alright, it isn't that bad, I'm not. I don't know what Donna told you. Now let me see this child of yours, how old is she now?"

"Around a month." Rachel smiled and wheeled the pram around for Harvey, as he peered in he smiled. Then he put out his arm and tickled her cheek.

"Wow. Uncle Harvey has a soft spot," Donna teased, "She's grown so much! Aw, look at her little curls." Rachel smiled at Mike, who was watching Donna and Harvey coo.

"Who's the one with the soft spot now?" Harvey laughed, and placed his hand on Donna's back. Both Mike and Rachel shot them both a 'really?' look and beamed.

"I don't know about you, but I think we should go say hello to anyone else that's here..."

"Ahem, my dad and Louis." Rachel interrupted Mike.

"Yep, and then we can go back to someone's place and have a good old chat."

"We can decide when we fly back, as you were so kind to lend us your plane, plus we need to visit my parents." Rachel joked, and Harvey looked lowkey offended.

"Well, you know your way around, Louis is in, I just don't know about Robert." Donna stepped back from the baby and looked at the couple.

"Okay, we'll meet back here and then we can leave, Harvey you can have a half-a-day holiday." Mike laughed and took the handle of the stroller, turning it and going towards the door, followed by Rachel.

"Mike? Rachel? What are you doing here?" Louis looked up from his desk.

"We thought we'd pop in to see you, give you a peek at our little Rosalie." Mike pulled the shade down and lifted the fussing infant out. Louis smiled and held out his arms.

"Do you mind?"

"Of course not, Louis, she looks like she's about to start screaming, so sure!" Rachel observed Mike passing the wriggling bundle over. She was wearing a cream, plain sleeper.

"Oh, very funny." He cuddled Rosalie, smiling down at her, doing everything he could to postpone the crying. She seemed to settle in his arms.

"You're a natural." Rachel laughed, and they continued to talk about how they all were. Louis explained about Sheila's pregnancy. He was proudly discussing the turn of events, until Rosalie finally broke.

"Ahhh, there we go." Mike stopped himself from bursting into laughter, and Rachel took her from Louis, bouncing up and down with her resting in her arms. Rachel patted her back and spoke softly until she had quietened.

"Thank you for thinking of me." Louis told Rachel and Mike as they left his office and headed towards Roberts. They didn't spend long in there, mostly talking about the rash on her chest. Mike just wanted to sit and talk with Harvey and Donna.

"Right, we're ready, and have you decided where we're going?" They walked into the office, this time with no stroller (they had left it at the entrance, so it was easier and more convenient), Rachel still bared Rosalie.

"Yep, Harvey's, he drove in today and I'm assuming you did too?" Rachel nodded, they all knew Rachel, Rosalie and Donna would go in one and Mike and Harvey in the other.

"So, Mike, how's life treating you?" Harvey started the engine of the car and pulled the seatbelt over himself.

"You know what, it's great. Rachel and I are the best we've ever been, Rosalie's amazing. Work has given me leeway, and when I get back I've got loads to dig my teeth into."

"Oh I bet you are."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I mean you think I didn't notice that look in your eye?"

"What look?"

"The one that you looked at Rachel with. I haven't seen that since you asked her to marry her."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. And you conveniently told me what happened that night when you were drunk."

"Shit, yeah I did. Well, you can't say much can you?" They both laughed as Harvey drove forward.

"Well... It was inevitable."

"Oh sure it was. Girls talk about that sort of stuff, and Rachel talks to me, so you don't expect me not to know everything that's happened with you two."

"Oh come on, Donna wouldn't of disclosed half of that stuff."

"That's what you think." Mike rose his eyebrows and shook his head.

"Seriously, you guys are brilliant parents."

'Why thank you."

"Yeah, you've done so well raising the baby that came out of wedlock."

"Uhhh, excuse me..."

"Too soon, was that too soon?" Harvey sniggered.

"I'll have you know that if you could do math, it was before that, so you can shut up and all." He knew it was joke, and he also knew it wasn't a planned pregnancy, but that didn't mean it wasn't the best thing that had happened to Rachel and Mike.

"Yeah, alright. Now, how's the big ol' firm you've got in Seattle?"

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