Chapter 38- Picnic in the Sun

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"We've got one more day off, then we're back to work. You do realise this don't you?" Mike quizzed his wife as she held Rosalie's hand firmly. They were in the suburbs walking, per a request of Rachel.

"Yes, I do realise that. But instead of lying in bed all day with back pain, I wanted to go and do something. And we all needed to breathe some fresh air, around the greenery, in the beautiful sunshine." The family was strolling in a small park, Rachel was wearing a flowing baby blue and white pin striped dress, she looked flawless. Walking in delicate leather sandals, she had her hair in a messy bun, as well as some rounded sunglasses balanced in front of the up do. Rosalie donned an indigo short-sleeved dress that met her knees and Rachel had French plaited her crazy hair into two braids. Whilst, her father was dressed in khaki shorts and a simple grey top, also matched with a pair of ray bans.

"Where do you want to sit?" Mike swung the cooler bag around by the handle, looking back at his two girls and smiling.

"Hmm, just here will do." Rachel gestured to a small patch of empty grass, to which Rosalie released her hand from Rachel's safe grip and started to run around in circles. Mike pulled the blanket from the top of the cooler and spread it onto the grass. Both Rachel and her husband sat carefully onto it whilst smiling at Rosalie, still wildly running around and round.

"Do you want your sandwich baby?" She stopped dead in her tracks and plunged herself on Mike's back, wrapping her arms around his neck not too tightly. He grinned, moving his head so he could see her.

"I take that as a yes?" He swerved around and she let go, but he scooped her up in his arms, and span her around energetically. "Do you really want your food?" Mike laughed as Rosalie tried to mumble a yes through her joyful shrills. He tickled her stomach whilst she was clinging onto his shoulder, whilst playfully pretending to drop her, and her screaming laughter triggered Rachel into a benevolent gape.

"It's chicken, here you go," Rachel spoke softly when Rosalie was finally sat calmly in between Mike's legs, her hands rested on his calves. She took the sandwich gratefully and started to eat it with reluctance as to see what it tasted like, "It's yummy, eat it!" Rachel explained to her as she started to eat bigger bites.

"Can I have mine now?" Mike asked after stifling a chuckle.

"Yes you can, do you want me to throw you around first too?" 

"Ah, no thanks, and with your back at the moment, I'm not sure that's a good idea." They both laughed as Rachel passed him the wrapped sandwich, as well as getting her own out.

"Yeah well, I never remember it being this bad so early on with Rosy, but at least I have only had one sickness spell, and that's it."


"Oh yeah, yet."

"Did you not even feel a little bit sick this morning?"


"Woah. That's good going."

"I know, it was weird."

"Maybe that means it's a boy!"

"Hmm, alright, this kid hasn't even grown a nose yet!" Rachel took a bite from her sandwich and watched as Mike smirked, the thought of having another child made him so happy.

Rosalie finished her sandwich then played from hours with her parents. They partook in I spy, tag, and hide and seek. She then led down for a bit, tired from all the running she'd done, so they let her sleep for a while, plus it meant they could also have a conversation without her hearing. She was getting pretty smart, and could interpret things very well, as they found out when Rachel was missing him on the phone to Mike when he was away on a work trip.

"Babe are you alright?" Mike watched her face as he twirled her hair around in his fingers. Rachel's head rested on his thighs, she was grimacing slightly.

"Yeah, my stomach just hurts a bit... I'm guessing my organs are moving around to make room."

"Okay, what shall we talk about, we've got a sleeping toddler, we can say anything!"

"Mike, what the hell are you talking about?"

"I don't know, I guess I just miss you, our fun times!"

"Oh god, what fun times?" Rachel adjusted herself slightly to get more comfortable.

"You know what fun times." Mike blushed slightly.

"Are you blushing?" Rachel sat up immediately and had to restrain from laughing.

"Hey it's not funny!"

"Mike, we've just conceived a child, after having been trying."

"Yeah, I know that, but that was for a purpose. Can we not just have sex because we both want it?"

"Mike, I hate to break it to you, but I'm pregnant and in pain, I don't think I'll be wanting it anytime soon."

"I guess, forget I even brought it up. Plus, I guess the trying does count, after all... you did..."

"That's enough, we should get going anyway, we should wake her up before she doesn't sleep tonight."

"Yes, you're right." Mike shook the redness in his cheeks away and blinked a couple of times. Rachel woke Rosalie up gently, and Mike started to pack everything away. They walked back home, it wasn't too far at all, but the toddler had to be carried almost all the way. As soon as they got back in it was Rosalie's bed time, so Rachel bathed her, and Mike put her to bed.

"Thanks for today, it was lovely." She smiled at Mike.

"You're welcome, you and the baby needed some down time before work tomorrow. Don't forget it was also your idea!"

"Yes, it was. Are we all set for tomorrow?"

"Totally, we'll drop Rosalie back off at nursery before work then drive straight to the office." Mike clarified before he made his way back downstairs. Rachel opted to shower before going back down. However, no sooner had she hopped into the relaxing hot water, something totally not relaxing met her.


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