Chapter 5- Two Lines

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Lunch came as quickly as Rachel had specifically hoped it wouldn't. She wanted the work to take her mind of everything, as there was lots to do, but she couldn't give her undivided attention to any of it. Just before she had planned to leave, Mike wandered into her office. At least she didn't now have to approach him.

"Hey, how's your work going? Just watching you, you seem pretty stressed already." His hand met her shoulder, which was tensed up. He squeezed it in an attempt to relieve Rachel.

"It okay, just a lot of work," She gestured towards the stacks of files in front of her. "Um, before I really dig into this, I'm going to go and get some lunch, do you want anything?" Rachel looked up at Mike, and he grinned.

"Yes! Can you get me some sushi please? Anything from there will do." They had hunted down places to get food from upon their arrival in Seattle. They found a Thai place, a Sushi place, Italian, Mexican and even an Indian.

"Of course, I'll get going, won't be long. I love you." Rachel clasped her handbag that was sat adjacent to her as she stood up, flattening the ruffles in her pencil skirt. Mike made his way out the door, declaring his love as he went. Rachel followed him out, shutting the door as she went.

Her eyes were searching down the shelves, trying to take in as much information as possible. There were so many to choose from, which one did she get? Could it not just be a simple one?She browsed for a bit longer before realising she didn't have long and had to decide soon. Rachel picked up one in a blue packet, it seemed one that she could trust. She also picked up a cheaper one, she wanted to be sure. Flipping the box around, she scanned the instructions and headed towards the cashier to pay. She practically sprinted out the shop, holding the two tests in the plastic bag as tightly as she could, got back in her car, and started the engine hastily. She needed to get the sushi and get herself back to the office before Mike suspected anything. 

"There you go. Enjoy!" Rachel left the bag of Sushi on Mike's desk and exited, Mike watched as she took herself off to the bathroom. He beamed when he turned his attention to the food she had delivered.

"You're the best." He murmured to himself, pulling out the plastic casing and setting it on the table next to the chopsticks.

Rachel sat in the stall of the bathroom, holding the blue stick of fate. Okay, all she had to do was look at it. If there was one line, she was fine, had nothing to tell Mike except she had a pregnancy scare.  Two lines, well, there'd be a bit more of a conversation there. She gulped and moved her finger that was concealing the fate away from the small screen, revealing the answer.

Two lines.

"Shit." Rachel looked down at the positive outcome, and compared it to the one on the box, they were identical.

"Shit, shit, shit." She pushed the tests into her bag and wiped away the tears that had been accumulating on her cheeks. She had to pull herself together for the rest of the day, then she would tell Mike tonight. This was it. Rachel was creating a life inside her. She couldn't believe it, and despite the circumstances, she was overwhelmed with happiness. She just had one thing to do before she returned and attempted to do some of the heaps of work she had.

Positive x

Rachel typed and sent the simple text to Donna, and the little ellipses bubble appeared, she was already typing back.

Woah! Rachel, congrats! When are you going to tell Mike?

Rachel stared at the screen, trying not to release any more tears again.

Tonight, wish me luck x

Good Luck x

With that, Rachel slung her bag over her shoulder, took a long, deep breath and made her way back to her office. She immersed herself in the work, looking over all the cases, trying to find the loopholes and the solutions to all the problems, filing as much paperwork as she could muster. It was a two for one, she could get loads of work done, and forget about what she was going to tell Mike that night. Rachel settled in for a long night as she tirelessly marked up the papers, highlighting, underlining, working hard like she always did.

"You ready to go?" Mike leaned on the door of her office, forcing Rachel to look up. Her eyes had to refocus to stop her from seeing fluorescent, yellow highlighter everywhere. 

"I thought we weren't going to go until everyone left today?" She said quizzically to Mike. Mike raised his eyebrows as he turned to stare behind him. Rachel looked too, greeted with an empty clinic.

"Oh." She laughed a little and held out her hand to meet Mike's. She waited on his hand as they left the building, heading on home for the night.

"That smells, amazing! What is it tonight?" Mike strolled up to Rachel, placing his hands onto her waist and swivelling her round to face him, pecking her forehead.

"Fancy pasta that I made, and it's not ready yet, so don't get involved!" Rachel joked as Mike held her steady.

"Hey, I love you to the moon and back, you know that. I want you to know you can tell me anything. I want to be with you through anything, and even if I can't advise you, support you." He looked deep into her eyes, which he somehow knew were hiding something.

"Where did that come from?" She frowned slightly, and her bottom lip wavered. She couldn't stop the tears from coming, another thing she was going to have to deal with, keeping her emotions in check.

"Okay, okay, it's okay, you can tell me. Tell me." Every word spoken spindled its way through Rachel's brain. He brought her closer for a hug, and her head rested on his chest for a moment, before she released herself to explain to him.

"You know this morning, I said I felt sick, well I threw up, and Mike I phoned Donna because I didn't know what else to do." Rachel burst into a deep sob as she faced the truth, and Mike cupped her face and tilted it up so her eyes met his. 

"You can tell me."

"You're going to hate me." Rachel said in between her sobs, and Mike pulled her hands up to his chest.

"Hey, I could never hate you, I love you, no matter what, please tell me, and we can work it out."

"Mike, you don't understand. I'm... I'm pregnant." Moments after the words spilled out of her mouth Mike took his arms and wrapped them tightly around her body, encasing her in a safe embrace.

"It's okay, it's okay, I don't hate you, I love you, and we don't have to discuss anything tonight. We are going to sit down, book a doctor's appointment, and watch a movie to make you feel better. Okay?" Mike thought on his feet and reassured Rachel with every motion. 

She let go of her tense breath, and her tears slowed.

"You're not mad?"

"Rachel, how could I be mad, it's our child. I'm surprised, I thought we were careful, but nothing is insurmountable when it's us together. We can do this. I'll be with you every step of the way, I love you."

"I love you so much." Mike lifted her up and her legs wrapped around his waist. He moved to the sofa, and sat down, with her on his lap. She shifted so they were bundled up in front of the television and stared at him. She couldn't believe they were going to do this. They were going to have a child.

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