Chapter 19- Visitors

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There was a hasty knock to the wooden door of the hospital room, Rachel smiled as she finished applying a bit of mascara. Rosalie was in the bassinet next to Rachel, Mike had gone to let the visitors in down at the reception.

"Hey Rach!" Donna and Harvey walked in cautiously, eyes on the little baby, who was content and fast asleep. Mike followed them in, smiling.

"Oh, she's gorgeous. Like the perfect mush of both parents." Donna's eyes lit up, peering over the plastic.

"Well done you two." Harvey looked over too, nodding his head towards Mike, who was now back in his chair.

"Okay, so when she wakes up I call to hold her first. But until then, here you go, I got you a little something because I knew Harvey wouldn't," Donna passed over a gift bag to Rachel, and placed it in front of her on the hospital bed, "Also may I just say you gave birth not three hours ago and are looking stunning as always."

Rachel took a look inside of what Donna had given them. There was all sorts of toiletries and baby things, as well as some beautiful peonies.

"Thank you, Donna. I'll admit, now Rosalie is here, all of the pain and torture was worth it." They hugged over the bed, whilst Harvey stuck out his hand to shake Mike's.

It wasn't long before she woke up, Rachel had only gone through two of the things in the bag. She started to fuss, so Rachel lifted her out of the bassinet and adjusted the small baby in her arms.

"You want her?" Rachel looked at Donna who was edging closer to the bed. Holding the baby, she beckoned her to come and have a snuggle.

"Aww, you're so light and tiny," Donna scooped her up and immediately started to rock her around, heading towards the window, "Now, what's up? Auntie Donna's here now." They all laughed and Donna span around quizzically.

"Have you changed her yet Mike?" Harvey joked, wondering if he had gone all soft now he had a child.

"Once, it's terrifying! My hand is like the size of half her body, she's so delicate." Mike sat up and engaged in the conversation whilst Rachel looked through the shower gels Donna had compiled.

"Ha, she is very small." Harvey looked over at Donna who was baring the child and gazed. It was a sight he'd waited to see for a long time. Both Rachel and Mike turned at the same moment, raising their eyebrows and chuckling.

"Now, where is this new baby they are saying has been born into the Zane family?" Robert Zane stood tall in the doorway, with his wife behind her.

"With Donna. Hi dad. She's perfect, just wait until you see her."

"She's got my ears mind." Mike butted in, hugging Laura as they made their way into the room.

"How are you Rachel?" Her mother neared the bed, hugging her daughter.

"I'm okay, sore, but okay. And plus, I was lucky, eleven hours of labour isn't half bad."

"Nope, you took thirty-eight." They both laughed and Donna reluctantly placed Rosalie into Robert's arms. Mike went to perch next to Rachel, holding her hand. He could see tears forming in her eyes as Robert patted their daughters back carefully.

"That's a picture and a half." Mike whispered to Rachel, and he pulled out his phone to take a photo of the sweet moment.

"That's your Pops, Rosalie." Donna patted her head, brushing her hair down.

"She's got a good head of hair on her." Laura watched on, looking around at the blankets and outfits on the chairs and smiling.

They all had a turn in cuddling the small child, even Harvey. After about an hour, Harvey and Donna left, to give the new parents some time with the grandparents. Rachel fed her again, everything went smoothly. They just chatted and having two other pairs of hands meant Mike and Rachel could spend time talking to each other about themselves for moments, whilst also talking about their pride and joy.

It was getting dark when her parents left, swooning over the new arrival, and Rachel and Mike we already starting to pack up ready for the departure tomorrow.

"Today was so good. From now on we take one step at a time. These next two weeks we'll take for ourselves, to adjust to this. After that, we'll conquer parenthood. You're already rocking it." Mike watched as Rachel carefully pulled Rosalie's onesie off of her.

"Thank you. It's all a bit surreal, you're a brilliant father. I love you," Rachel took out another sleeper from the bag they had packed up, "I just can't wait to go home."

"I know, me too. One more night, then we can sleep in our own bed. When you're all healed up we need to go shopping for some more stuff, we haven't quite got all of the things we need. I was thinking tomorrow I can build the swing."

"Sounds like a plan. They said we could be out by ten."

"Then it's settled, now I'll take her for a bit, you get some rest." Mike scooped Rosalie up with a cloth and sat in his chair with her in his arms. He moved her onto his chest and relaxed whilst Rachel closed her eyes. He stared at both his girls, how lucky he was.

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