02| fugitives

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WARNING: This chapter may contain explicit circumstances that are meant for readers who are 18+. Feel free to skip it if it may cause a trigger or discomfort.

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THE SOUND OF HUSHED SHUFFLING AROUND THE ROOM STIRRED ME FROM MY SLEEP AFTER I TOSSED AND TURNED A FEW TIMES, WANTING TO JUST IGNORE IT. I took a few deep breaths then opened my eyes. The room was blanketed in darkness, due to the absence of lights, but I could very easily distinguish my bulky husband's dorito figure from a mile away. He was gathering his things together, sweetly trying to be quiet for my sake as he had done many times before. Unfortunately though, because I was a very light sleeper, he would never succeed.

"Good morning, soldier," I said groggily, lifting my head and propping myself up to get a better look at him. I caught a glance of the clock on the other side of the dresser. 4:16 AM. I reached forward, clicking on the lamp so that we could both see now that the two of us were awake. We were supposed to be leaving at 5, so I needed to get up now if I wanted to take a quick shower before we got a move on. Surprisingly though, I wasn't very tired, despite only getting about four hours of sleep.

"Good morning beautiful, did I wake you?" He wondered, stopping for a moment to kiss my forehead before he returned to neatly stuffing his large black duffel bag with all of his belongings.

"A little, no worries though, I've gotta get my things together too," I muttered, urging myself to get out of bed mentally before I finally threw back the sheets and lifted myself up. The big t-shirt I had thrown on last night after running to the bathroom had fallen just past my bottom, putting view of my bare ass on full display. Though it was a bit too early for either one of us to entirely be in the mood yet.

Although I wouldn't ever complain about having to get up this early to Steve, I would never truly be used to doing it.

Before we went full vigilante, there were days when I'd sleep in till 11. God, I miss those mornings. Nothing quite beats sleeping in, but being able to travel around the world with a man I loved more than life itself; I'd get up at any time in the morning if it meant being at his side. I'd follow him to the ends of the Earth if I had to. He was worth it, and so much more.

"I'm sorry," He apologized innocently, those big blues on display to pull at my heart strings as he snaked an arm around my waist while I tried walking by. He pulled me back into his chest, before burying his nose in the crook of my neck and kissing my collarbone.

"I want you with us, no more recruiting, just us all trying to do this thing together," He sighed, sounding a little defeated, like something had been wrong before the words even left his mouth.

"Baby, what's wrong? Where's this coming from?" I asked, pulling back so that I could look him in the eyes. The way he said it made it seem like something may have spooked him into thinking like this; like something had changed his mind about the way we decided to do things.

"I just want it to be like old times," He said sheepishly, pulling me back into his chest. I smiled, remembering the days when we fought together. When we all pulled out of S.H.I.E.L.D., things got complicated - messy. Initially, Steve didn't want me anywhere near the action. He wanted me to have a chance if we ever got caught, so he convinced me not to join the fight, but to be his second in command behind the scenes instead.

I listened, although it took a lot of will power to give up the fight, I knew my time would come again. Now, here we were, and he was practically begging me to suit up and just abandon recruiting. Yes, it sounded nice in a perfect world, but I wasn't quite sure if that was the best idea considering we all have target's on our backs. If something were to happen to them, I would be the one to fix it, but if I joined them in field work and picked up where I left off, I'd no longed have the same powers I have now. No jail free card.

𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒏'𝒔 𝑩𝒂𝒃𝒚 ✪ 𝑺𝒕𝒆𝒗𝒆 𝑹𝒐𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒔Where stories live. Discover now