12| righteousness

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There is graphic content in this chapter. Please read at your own discretion.


I've felt a bit odd about posting things right now while so many things are happening in the world. I wrote out a long statement and thought about uploading that first, but I think it needs a little work. I may post it or, I may not. Here's to say that I've been affected first hand by racism and by COVID-19 and it's scary, it's disheartening, and it's off-putting. 

Although words can never quite express how strongly I feel about the topic—especially in the way I've chosen to portray my character's worlds, I've mostly left racism out of them. Simply because I have to deal with it enough, I didn't really want to drag my characters through it as well. Not in this piece, at least.

The media strives to keep us this way—broken and angry. But do not let them confuse you, we are not broken, the system is. Our anger is justified, but we must be better than the oppressor. Educate yourselves accordingly. Watch the hard movies, the hard shows, read the hard books, and the true cases that haunt this "great" nation.

As a young black woman, I would like to believe that people see me, hear me, love me. But we live in a divided world. In most cases, people are only out for what's best for them. I want to encourage you, if this is you, just listen. See that stranger that you pass in a store. Wave at someone walking down the street. Help, if you see someone in need—if you see someone being racially targeted—imagine them being someone you love. Stand up. Be the voice. Be the face of this movement, because we all have the power to be compassionate. We all have the capacity to be leaders. It doesn't cost a thing.

And above all else, please keep that undivided love in your heart. There's already enough evil in the world, let's work to wipe it out. I love you guys dearly, and you have no idea how grateful I am for your reads! I just really want to see this world morph into something better. Go out and vote if you can.

Thanks for listening, alright we shall resume.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★



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James sat at the feet of his dead brother. Dead. Somehow he didn't want to believe his eyes. Even with his blood soaking into the street, he couldn't accept it. He sat there, analyzing everything about the scene. He hoped he could find some piece of evidence left behind that would explain all of this.

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