03| let's take a trip

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WARNING: This chapter may contain explicit circumstances that are meant for readers who are 18+. Feel free to skip it if it may cause a trigger or discomfort.

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WAKANDA GLISTENED IN THE SUNLIGHT LIKE THE MOST VALUABLE STONE ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH. It may as well have been; with it's beauty and natural prosperity. Returning, to the place I would've preferred as a home made my heartbeat increase in speed. I always got nervous. Everything was so much more exciting here, yet so easily calming, so magical.

I was undoubtedly worried about Steve, and his brewing anxieties that he had expressed back at the motel, but the sight of Wakanda stole my breath away, every single time.

Steve hadn't told me we were coming.

I sighed out loud, standing up to get a better look. I may have been lacking in my attention earlier but I was definitely perking up with excitement now.

I thought we all deserve a little break by now. Running from the United States government from within the United States was challenging enough. Doing that while trying to track down EI's and save unsuspecting civilians from the horrors of their world should've been an Olympic sport.

"T'Challa offered we stay until we get tired of living like royalty," Steve lifted his voice so that everyone could hear him from his seat up front. He always spoke in that tone, like he was addressing an army. I sometimes wondered if being well spoken was a trait his parents had passed on to him or if it had just been something he had learned over time.

I got out of my seat and stepped over to him, placed a short and tender kiss against his lips. The satisfaction of his decision to come to the one place he knew I loved glistened in his deep blue orbs. It was reassuring to see something other than sadness etched in them. The worries I carried prior to our arrival seemed to slowly melt away. A sense of relief quickly took it's place. Distractions helped, in this case.

"I definitely can agree," I said to him, wrapping my arms around his neck in pure happiness. It had been months since we rested, and I couldn't think of a better place to do it than here. T'Challa was practically like a big brother. I was always happy to be in his welcoming presence.

Once we had landed clear, we all unloaded the jet, and headed down to the tower with our things. Shuri, and former Queen Ramonda greeted us as we approached, the beautiful Dora Milaje all standing defensively around us, with close eyes on their royal highnesses.

"Ohh, my American daughter has finally arrived!" The queen practically squealed at seeing me. I was holding Steve's hand as we walked, grinning from ear to ear like the princess they made me feel like.

"Sister!" Shuri exclaimed, reaching out to hug me as soon as I was in arms length. We embraced for a long time, enjoying each others grasps, before pulling away to admire the changes we had both sustained.

Two braided buns rested at the top of her head, while an intricate pattern of others ran down the nape of her neck, and sat loosely against her chest.

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