05| am i?

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WARNING: This chapter may contain explicit circumstances that are meant for readers who are 18 or older. Feel free to skip it if it may cause a trigger or discomfort. This chapter contains graphic descriptions of injuries, blood, and possible mentions of death.

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FOREWORD: Please remember to vote and comment down below! Your support means the absolute world to me! I love to hear you alls thoughts and appreciation. Thank you so very much for reading! I hope you enjoy this chapter! It took a hell of a lot of emotion for me to write, considering Endgame kinda f-ed me up. 

"AS IT SEEMS, Captain America and his clan of stowaways have found themselves wrecking havoc amongst the city of Johannesburg, Africa. In their attempts to save the day - as we've all seen them do in the past - two assumptive civilian women were injured, one of which has been reported dead, while the other was badly injured. How grateful I'm sure the two would've been," The reporter spoke with a pinch of disinterest as the photos and arising videos from four days ago flashed across the screen behind him, showcasing all of the mistakes and faults that were made on that day. Next there was an alarming video of the dead body concealed in a plastic body bag, before a live feed of the crime scene tape, law enforcement, and a rather large gathered crowd of people surrounding it filled the screen.

A small vigil had been started, white slender candles covered the ground. Public misconception seemed to be what the news feed off of. They enjoyed twisting the narrative, and pointing the fingers. If anyone at all, they should've been the blame for the blatant lies they had began to spread. To make matters worse, it was as if their anchor was being paid to slander the heroes good names. To the world, they were quickly becoming the face of destruction, and this was something the government wasn't able to tolerate. It threatened their control over the population after all. First there was Lagos, and now this. They were losing control - and to a pack of vigilante 'thugs.'

"This being just an additional event to date, to not go in favor of the questionable heroes, for some the only question stands, when are they going to give it a rest and leave it to the officials?"

The ghastly images of the true perpetrator of Devina's attack had been dismissed as nothing more than people caught up in the cross fire.  Now, it had been pinned on the people that had done nothing wrong. The story had been twisted from the beginning. The circulating lies left a bad taste in the mouths of those that knew the truth. Exclusive photos of T'Challa and Steven Rogers had been captured and released to the public, and despite the team leaving behind the wonderful world of Wakanda days ago, the fact that they were there - knowingly - lingered in the air. They'd have to be extra careful, wherever they decided to go. Secretary of State, Ross had been keeping all lines open, and he was listening in very hard, determined to find them and lock them away for their worldly crimes of being vigilantes.

Steve felt himself giving out, every night he'd laid in bed, without her at his side. Five nights, and four days had passed, and yet, he still felt the exact same as he did. Despite the world changing around him, nothing about him seemed to. He wondered what she would've wanted as soon as she woke. What ice cream flavor she was craving to have, what she wanted to do as soon as she was well. Where she wanted to go.

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