10| second chances

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This chapter does include mentions of death, trauma, and strong language. Please continue at your own discretion. This is a long and emotional chapter with a few twists and turns. Expect the next few to be as equally twisty!

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 "So is it contagious? Are you like possessed or something? What are we exactly dealing with?" Sam held a hand over his mouth and nose, shielding them

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"So is it contagious? Are you like possessed or something? What are we exactly dealing with?" Sam held a hand over his mouth and nose, shielding them. His tone had been sarcastic, but his demeanor let me know that he was definitely serious about his concerns.

"I don't know about that, but from what I've gathered from T'Challa and Okoye, they seem to think it's related to-" I couldn't help interrupting Steve as the name came to me.

"Alder Vossly," I recalled, suddenly remembering the night I had gone to see him of my own free will, only to return without a trace of what had happened while I was there. How could I remember it now? Confused, I looked down at the back of my hand sitting on the table ahead of me.

It was only now, after my strange dream that I could fully process what I had been experiencing. Vossly was showing me something for a reason. I just didn't have a clue as to why or what his endgame would be. What was his obsession with me? And what control did he now have over me?

"Isn't the guy locked up in a Wakandrian cell? How's that even a possibility?" Sam wondered, finally letting down his hand shield. His eyes were fixed on me and every move I seemed to make. 

"Not since last night," Steve announced, "After brainwashing one of the guards, he managed to free himself and escape," I looked away, suddenly afraid that I was a factor in his escape. Was I the one that let him out? It was possible, but I had no idea as to what I had done during my blackout.

"And what's that got to do with Devina?" Nat crossed her arms, throwing a concerned glance my way before she looked to Steve.

"T'Challa thinks he's got some kind of mind control over her," Steve stated as if I wasn't even in the room listening to all of them speak. He had barely spared me a glance since we arrived at this apparently abandoned underground facility. Turns out there are a lot of old S.H.I.E.L.D. bases that haven't seen the light of day since the whole rebranding stunt. Although it felt more like a bunker given the lack of well- everything.

"Okoye claims as they were fighting, Devina's eyes turned completely white. Before Wakanda had Vossly in custody, there was an instance where he assessed mental control over a male fighter while we were on the rescue mission. I witnessed it myself, so I can attest that while we were in the clearing, Devina's eyes did turn white, and given my prior knowledge, it's the only thing that makes sense. Shuri claims there's no medical explanation, and no viable reason Devina would have side effects or abilities besides the ones already discovered that we can associate with the Super Soldier Serum survivors," Steve added.

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