06| training mode

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WARNING: This chapter may contain explicit circumstances that are meant for readers who are 18 or older. Feel free to skip it if it may cause a trigger or discomfort. This chapter contains graphic descriptions of injuries, blood, and possible mentions of death.

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FOREWORD: Please remember to vote and comment down below! Your support means the absolute world to me! I love to hear you alls thoughts and appreciation. Thank you so very much for reading! I hope you enjoy this chapter!

I WAS TIRED. Exhausted from training, from the constant scrutiny, and mostly from the lonesomeness that plagued me every night. Until the day that I was self-sustainable again, I wasn't allowed to speak to my family. No communication no matter what. Over a month had gone by since Steve and the others left Wakanda. Shuri, T'Challa and I all agreed that due to the unpredictability of my state of being, we didn't wanna risk telling anyone that I was alive and well - incase it was short lived.

Once we reached the one month mark, I had figured that it would've been enough time to be able to tell, but Shuri claimed to needing to run more tests. After reaching the second month mark, I was more than ready to leave Wakanda. The safe haven I once considered a home was beginning to feel like a prison I couldn't dream of escaping. I struggled to keep my eyes open. I had spent the night crying to myself, and now they were puffy and aching.

"My legs work fine, my stitches have healed, and my heads all here, what else is there to test Shuri? I'm tired of all the tests..." I mumbled lowly, looking away from her, and finding my fingers much more appealing. I felt like myself - just a little better, a little stronger. Something had changed in me, but I couldn't pinpoint it as mental or more physically. It had been a microscopic difference - perhaps a result of my out of body experience.

"I understand, but if we send you back out there and something were to happen that I could prevent, I'd never stop blaming myself," She said graciously, "We just want the best for you," she finished as she looked over her check list. It was the same one she had gone over since the beginning of all this.

"Now, open," she demanded, shinning a device into my mouth. She clicked the button on the side and it took a full panoramic X-Ray of my teeth.

"Eyes," she announced, preparing me to open wide. I closed my mouth as she shined the same light into each eye, taking digital retina exam photographs to analyze for later. I had already gotten an MRI, CAT , and full body scan done for the day, so this was the final round of tests for now.

"Thank you," She said softly as I blinked away the bright blinding light that casted orbs and spots along my vision. She had done the exact same tests everyday. They were getting so very old. The results were consistent and it was more than evident that I was okay at this point. Anyone with a brain could easily see that much. Shuri started to turn away, before she sighed. She handed me one small cup and a lid before she evidently caved at the face I was making.

"I need a blood and urine sample, and then we can see about a phone call, how about that?" She said reluctantly. I was a little taken back, waiting for her to take it back, but she didn't.

With a newfound source of happiness running through my veins, I perked up, feeling like the world might stop the second I heard my husbands voice. I had waited patiently, and finally it seemed to be paying off after two long months. Although I felt like I might explode from excitement.

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