14| too far gone

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This chapter contains graphic sexual circumstances and mild language. Please read at your own discretion.

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They were all sitting around staring at one of the screens, watching the illegal video feed provided by Tony Stark. He was the only man they'd known to be capable of hacking the illustrious source. It had been a long day of waiting, under Stark's clear instruction. He'd commanded everyone to heal, and spend the day like any other. In fact, he told his friends not to worry, a task that had proven to be impossible for the group. So, to make up for his lack of information, he hacked into the task force camera feed and sat them all down in front of it.

There was a squad of twenty or so men. They had just infiltrated one of Vossly's assumed property. He was sat outside of a large house in the middle of the yard and holding a small box in his hands.

Devina wondered why he hadn't retaliated; why he hadn't reacted to them surrounding him. It was almost like he expected it, she gathered.

The others in the room on the other hand didn't pay much attention to the other details except when Vossly had been shoved into the ground, with a gun pointed to his back, each of the videos flashing between different perspectives. All of this transpired before words flashed across the screen, ending the feed.


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"That son of a bitch actually did it," Steve grinned, reaching to squeeze Devina's hand. She laughed, sending her doubtful thoughts to the depths of her mind. She brought his knuckles to her lips before she placed a single kiss against his hand, tears welling in her eyes. Finally, they could try to find some form of peace now. She'd nearly forgotten what life felt like before Vossly consumed all of her thoughts--before he took so much from them all.

"O ye of little faith. Sometimes that which you least expect can surprise you," Tony walked into the room, with his hands shoved deep into his pockets. He clicked his tongue, deep in thought.

"I don't know why we ever doubted you, Stark," Devina said before she stood up and threw her arms around his neck, laughing all the while. "I can't even thank you enough for all your help."

"No thanks necessary.  I figured your husband had been bad talking me anyways. He likes everyone to think he's so innocent, and I'm the big bad guy."

"Oh, he isn't innocent at all," Devina pulled away from Stark to give her man a look, which he winked in response to.

"Alright! Alright! I'm gonna stop you right there!" Tony groaned. "Jesus. The two of you are like pandora's box."

"Yeah, they're jackrabbits," Sam grinned, leaning against his elbows, "Stark. Good to see you."

"Back at ya, birdman," Tony responded as they dabbed each other up.

"I've been meaning to ask you... How's Rhodes?"

"How about you ask him yourself? I know he'd love to hear from you," Tony placed a hand against his shoulder reassuringly.

𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒏'𝒔 𝑩𝒂𝒃𝒚 ✪ 𝑺𝒕𝒆𝒗𝒆 𝑹𝒐𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒔Where stories live. Discover now