Chapter One: Rough Start

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Tom's POV

I woke up with my head ringing. I looked out the window to see the sun just barely rising, there was still dew on the grass. It was around 5 in the morning, so I decided to get up. Did I drink last night? I can't remember. Probably. I looked around my room to see at least four Smirnoff bottles on the ground. I definitely drank last night. 

I sighed and rubbed my head wishing this headache to go away, then I realized that painkillers exist. I walked into the kitchen still in my pajamas, I walked to the cupboard, and grabbed the painkillers from inside. The small bottle opened with a click. I grabbed a glass of water, and took two pills. It'd take a while for the pills to kick in so I went and sat down on the couch. I was still drowsy from waking up so early, so I dozed off peacefully. 

-----Time Skip-----

I woke up to a pair of silver eyes. 

"AHHHH! COMMUNIST!!" I screeched. Tord jumped back, startled by me waking up so suddenly. I was breathing heavily while Tord was laughing his head off. Stupid communist...

 "You should've seen your face Jehovah!" Tord said through his laughing. I angrily walked toward the kitchen, until I heard the stomps of feet.


Edd is not a morning person, so it kind of made me fear for my life when Edd burst into the living room.                                                                                                                                                                                          

"Why in the name of Cola is everybody screaming in here?!" Edd said almost calmly... Almost...   

"Oh, I just scared the devil out of Thomas!" Tord replied. I swore at Tord, causing Edd to gasp.    

"Tom, put a quarter in the Swear Sock." I swear Edd is just like a mother, 70% of the time. I walked into my room and got a quarter. As I walked into the living room Edd was standing with a decently full sock. I added the quarter and braced myself. Edd whacked me in the arm with the sock. 

 "OW! Fu- reeeaaak." I said, almost swearing again. Tord was laughing hysterically at this point, it's like this is the funniest thing he's ever seen. It probably is. Edd glared at me almost as to say 'you got lucky this time fool.'

Edd walked into the kitchen and started making breakfast because he's the only one that can cook meals that aren't packaged or already made. I was standing in the kitchen and made my way over to the couch. Tord plopped himself down next to me, so i scooted as far away as I could. Tord looked at me as if I had just offended his ancestors. That communist is going to be the death of me, I'm calling it now.

"Breakfast's done!"  Edd called into the living room. I stood up and went into the kitchen. Edd made pancakes, bacon, and eggs. An iconic breakfast. Me, being the boring one just got pancakes. Tord and Edd both just got bacon, and started fighting over the last piece.

Matt hopped down the stairs. He's the reason the stupid Swear Sock exists. It's all because we have to 'Protect his innocent ears.' It was all Edd's idea.

 "Hello my friends! How are you all this fine morning!" Matt said cheerfully. I did an unenthusiastic wave and sarcastically said

"Never better..." He looked happy. It's like he doesn't understand sarcasm. He probably doesn't, he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer (edgy). Matt sat down with us and got eggs. While Tord and Edd were fighting, I stole the last piece of bacon.

  "Where did the bacon go?" Said Tord, clearly confused. I looked toward Ringo who was sitting at the table looking at Tord and Edd fight. I looked back at the two, and pointed to Ringo. Edd scolded Ringo for eating human food while Tord glared at me. He knew I took it, but I didn't really care all that much. I left the kitchen, and went into the living room.

I sat down on the couch and contemplated all of my life's decisions up to this point. I turned on the TV, I had almost forgotten that I had a headache, until the cooking channel had blasted on the TV full volume. It scared me and I quickly turned it off.                                                                                

 "Whichever one of you fools didn't turn down the TV, you're dead to me" I shouted into the kitchen. Today was not going to be a good day.

Tord's POV

Today was going to be a great day. I've already scared Thomas twice! Once when he woke up, and once again with the TV being on full volume. Thomas had been hit with the Swear Sock, which is very full, and I am at least 95% sure Thomas has a headache. Wonderful! I happily walked into my room, and sat on my bed. That happiness that I felt quickly was replaced with boredom. I was bored as heck.

"Commie! Come into the living room!" Thomas yelled  

"Why?! Miss me already?" I shouted back.  

"I swear I'm gonna beat your face inside out! Just get in here!"

"Jeez, okay rude, i'm coming..." I got up and walked into the living room. Everybody was sitting on the couch facing me. 

 "Is this an intervention or something..?" I asked

"No, we're just deciding on what to do today." Edd said

 "I want to go out to lunch, after we go to the park!" Matt said 

 "I'd rather go to the bar.." Thomas  mumbled 

"Not happening." Edd commented. Thomas groaned and had an unhappy look on his face.

"Well,for one don't really care, I'm up for whatever." I said 

"The park it is then!" Edd said happily

 "Can we still go to lunch?" Matt asked. Edd nodded and Matt cheered. Thomas looked like he would rather stay home and die under the couch. But he didn't exactly have a choice.

 I went into my room and changed into a white T-Shirt, a red jacket, black jeans, and a pair of black shoes. I walked out of my room and looked at everybody already changed. Thomas was boring and wore his blue hoodie, black pants, and checkered converse. Edd wore his 'Smeg Head' shirt, tan pants, and green converse. Matt wearing a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up, black pants, and black shoes.

"Jeez Matt, we're going to the park, why are you so formal?" Thomas asked

 "Well one as beautiful as me must look amazing, all of the time!" Thomas snorted at Matt's answer. Man, Thomas is so dumb. I smirked at my own thoughts.

 "Why are you smiling, Commie?" Thomas glared  at me. 

 "Oh, nothing!" I said, trying to sound as suspicious as possible.

"Mhmmmm, I'm keeping my eye on you.." Thomas said.

"Do you really think i'm that beautiful?" I said batting my eyes, and flustering the poor Jehovah. 

"What?! N-No! That's not what I meant! I meant..!" He sighed "Oh never mind..." Thomas said, still blushing. Man, it is so easy to fluster Thomas, just compliment him, twist his words, or say anything remotely gay, and he's redder than my hoodie. Today is going to be awesome

________________________________________________________________________________ Okay, i hope you liked the first chapter, it's pretty long, I'm going to try and make them at least 1000 words per chapter, but that's probably not going to happen. It really depends.

Well I mean, thanks for reading, hope to see you again soon, and goodbye ;o

Word count:1247

Goodbye :V

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