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Tom's POV

Today was the day Tord and I were to be married, and I can honestly say I am so excited. I was in my dressing room, getting dressed in the black tuxedo we had gotten. Tord had begged me to wear a wedding dress, but I hit him over the head with the book I was currently holding.

Edd was in the dressing room with me, fixing little details. Instead of wearing a bow tie, I was wearing my checkered tie, because I liked it more. Edd was fixing my hair, trying to make it look presentable, but it wasn't working. I laughed at another one of Edd's attempts.

"I'm about to dump all of this gel in your hair." Edd said, in all seriousness. I smiled at him. I was almost all the way ready. Aside from the fact that I was very nervous. Edd placed a hand on my shoulder, and gave me a reassuring smile.  Edd would be walking me down the isle, since, my father's death..

Suddenly, we heard the music start playing. My eyes went wide. I take it back, I am not ready, at all. Edd linked his arm with mine. That somewhat helped. I was handed a bouquet of red roses. I remember picking these out, because it was Tord's favorite color, and him arguing, and trying to get blue flowers. I won the 'argument' and we have red flowers now. Before I knew it, we were walking down the isle.There were blue flower petals spread on the ground by Matt, because he insisted on being the flower girl, and the ring bearer, and Tord's best man. I shot a glare at Tord. We agreed on red flowers. Tord was watching me, and smiling widely. That made me smile. Edd took his place in the best man spot.

Matt came, with the rings, and stood next to Tord, still holding the ring pillow. The priest started talking, but I kind of zoned out for most of it, just staring at Tord, who was actually paying attention. It was time to say our vows. Tord was going first.

"Well, I started loving you, not the moment I first saw you, but when you had amnesia.." Tord said chuckling. "I knew that that was you, but it felt like a whole different person. Your attitudes were so different. Then, when I accepted you were the same person, was when I started to love you." Tord said, smiling at me brightly.

"It's almost the same thing for me," I said, "You started being this overly nice person, and how could I not fall in love with that? You stood up for me, helped me, and just all in all, became and amazing person, that I just can't help but love." I said, tears now in my eyes, but not falling.

"Tord, Larsin, do you take Thomas Thompson, as your lawfully wedded.. husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish, until death do you part?" The priest recited.

"I do." Tord said, looking at me. I smiled. He took one ring from Matt, and put it on my finger.

"Thomas, Thompson, do you take Tord Larsin, as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish, until death do you part?"He recited once more.

"I do." I took the other ring, and put it on Tord's finger.

"You may kiss the groom."

Tord and I leaned in and kissed each other lightly, the viewers of the wedding, crying, and cheering. We broke apart, and smiled at each other. We were married.

---Time Skip---

We had just finished the reception party, and were now walking home together. We could've drove, but we decided not to, and were walking together, hand-in-hand. There was a comfortable silence, slightly broken by the taps of our shoes on the ground, 

"This was a good day." Tord said. I looked at him. He was looking forward, a smile still on his face. "I got married to the man I love, what could be better?" He said, turning to look at me.

"Laying in bed with snacks, a movie, and the man you love?" I said, as if it were a question. Tord laughed at my answer.

"It's definitely up there on the list." Tord said.

"And, it's definitely what were doing when we get home."


Tord and I were walking in silence again, the house in view. As soon as we came into the house, Edd and Matt were there, and they threw confetti at us.

"Whoo! Good job on getting married, love birds!" Edd said, laughing.

"Please be quiet tonight." Matt said, wriggling his eyebrows. I sighed, and hit them both on the head.

I turned to Tord again.

"Go get the snacks, and a movie." I ordered. Tord saluted, making me laugh. I ran into our room, leaving Edd and Matt in confusion. I closed the door behind me, and started getting to work.

Tord's POV

I can't believe I actually got married. If I were to go back in time, and tell my past self I'd marry Tom, I'd ask what kind of drugs I was on.

I got together popcorn, and stole two colas from Edd. It was the day we got married, he's not allowed to do anything about it. I grabbed: Insane Zombie Pirates from Hell VI. I took all of the items into the room I shared with Tom, and found a big blanket fort.

"Surprise! I'm the master of making blanket forts!" Tom said, hugging my arm. I smiled and set the things I was holding down, before engulfing Tom in a huge hug. I kissed the top of his head, because I was taller than him, I could do that.

"I love you." I said, muffled by Tom's soft hair. Tom let go of me, and grabbed the snacks, heading into the fort. I went into our closet and quickly changed into my red hoodie, and gray sweat pants. I got a blue hoodie and sweatpants out for Tom as well. 

I walked back into the fort area, and tossed Tom his clothes. I turned, and got my laptop out, putting the movie in the disk drive. Once I had gotten the movie started, I turned around, and Tom was already changed. I scooted next to him, and wrapped my arms around his waist.

This is happier than I've ever been before.


Well that's it! 

I think I got better at writing, and I liked how this story turned out, although I completely went off track of what I had in the begining.

you better bet Tord proposed to Tom with this.

you better bet Tord proposed to Tom with this

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Word count: 1168

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Word count: 1168

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