Chapter Seven: Thomas

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Tom's POV

Everything felt blurry. I didn't like the feeling. I looked to the three guys in this room. Where am I? All I know is that my name is Thomas Thompson (No, i'm not using real last names.) I was so confused. 

"What do you remember?" The one in green asked.

"My name is Thomas Thompson.." I hesitated for a little bit. "That's it." A small sad noise came from the guy in green. Strange, it's as if they're color coded.. Green, red, and purple.. They seem to know me. Do I have a color too? I looked down at my clothes, and saw that I too, was wearing a color coded sweatshirt. Mine was blue. I like blue.

"So, what're your names?" I asked casually. 

"I'm Edd" The one in green spoke.

"I am the magnificent Matt!" The one in purple said. He seemed too cheerful for this situation.

"I'm Tord." The one in red said. I liked his accent. He looked pretty cool. He had devil horn hair. I silently laughed at his hair.

"Nice accent, where you from?" I asked, trying to gain an understanding of these strange people.

"Oh, I'm from Norway." It seemed I lightened the mood a little. Good job Tom.

Just then, a doctor came in. She was carrying a clipboard and had her blond hair up in a bun. She pushed up her glasses, before she looked up at us and said

"Okay, Thomas here is free to go, just make sure he takes this medicine. One in the morning, and one at night. We realized he got amnesia, so we got this medicine for him. It might take him some time to recover though, so make sure you're consistent with the time you give him the pills."

Tord nodded and took the medicine from her. He thanked the doctor and she left. I tried to get up, but my cast was awkward for me to walk with. Guess i'd just have to get used to it. I walked out of the room before I was so rudely interrupted.

"Not so fast Thomas," I turned my head to see 'Tord' talking to me,"You need a wheelchair, or at least crutches." I saw 'Edd' come around the corner, pushing a wheelchair. 'Matt' soon followed with a pair of crutches. I grabbed the crutches.

"Okay, i'll take these." I said. I limped out the door using my new handy crutches.

The one in red, I forgot his name. He helped me into the car, and got in on the other side. We laid the crutches over our legs, and we started driving.

I noticed that one red guy kept shooting glances at me. It was uncomfortable, so I pretended not to notice.

Tord's POV

It's horrible to see Thomas like this. It really hurts to see him not know us. I sighed and looked out the window. I looked up at Edd, who had a sad expression on his face. I looked at Thomas, who was staring out the window. Did he know what he looked like? He turned to me.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He said.

"Nice try, you don't have a penny, but i'll tell you anyways. Do you know what you look like?" I said, voicing my thoughts. He looked like he was thinking. 

"Nope, can't say I do. Do any of you have a mirror by chance?" This was Matt's moment to shine. He turned his head so fast, I thought I heard a crack. 

"Oh, uh, thanks" Thomas said worriedly. He turned his attention to the mirror.


Edd swerved the car and people honked at him. Thomas was panicking.

"WHY ARE MY EYES LIKE THAT?! ARE THEY EVEN EYES?! OH MY, HOLY SHI-" I slapped my hand over Thomas' mouth.

"No swearing, Edd will hit you with the swear sock." Speaking of Edd, I looked up front to him, and he was trying to calm himself down.

"My goodness Tom! You almost gave me a heart attack!!" Edd gasped out.

"S-sorry Edd, I just scared myself." He mumbled.

10 minutes later, we pulled into the driveway. We went inside, and sat on the couch. Aside from Thomas. 

"So, Do I have a room?" Thomas asked.

"Tord! Show him around the house!" Edd shouted. I was in no mood to argue, so I started the house tour. The first room we went to was the kitchen.

"This is the kitchen, we come here mainly for breakfast. Other than that it's mainly used to store Cola, and alcohol." Thomas nodded

"I approve." He said. I turned to go into the living room and he followed me.

"This is the living room, besides our own rooms, this is usually where we hang out." Next we went to the bedrooms. First was Edd's. I opened the door, and Edd was sitting there, animating. He ignored us.

"This is Edd's room." It smelled of sweet Cola. Thomas nodded, and we moved on to my room.

"It smells like cigarettes in here." Thomas said.

"It's cigars, not cigarettes." I corrected. "Anyways, this is my room. This is my domain." Thomas snorted at my choice of words, and we moved on. Next was his room.

"This room is stupid." He said. I laughed.

"This is your room."

"Oh.." I walked out and Thomas just stood there. He looked like he was regretting some choices he has made. I showed him the bathroom, and that was that. A bathroom. We walked to the final part of the tour. Matt's room. I opened the door, to see Matt posing dramatically in the mirror. He either didn't notice us, or didn't care. 

"This is Matt's room, and he usually is like this." I said gesturing to Matt.

"There you go I guess, Jehovah." He looked at me confused. I sighed, I'd explain the nickname later, I'm tired. I walked into my room, leaving Thomas behind, and flopped on the bed. I sat there for a few minutes thinking. This isn't the Thomas I fell in love with.  I almost fell asleep when Edd burst into my room.

"TORD!" He shouted, scaring the absolute heck out of me. "Go to the store, i'm out of cola!"

"Why me?" 

"Well, I have to stay and take care of Tom!" That was an excuse, we both knew it.

"Hey, uh, I was listening to your conversation, sorry, but could I go to the store with you? I'd like to look around the town." Thomas said, peeking into my room. I sighed and got up. Now we were gonna go to the store.

---Time Skip to the store---

"Okay, I'll let you run free for a while, but meet back up here when you're done." Thomas nodded.

"You can go get some snacks or something, just nothing too expensive, I didn't bring too much money with me." Thomas nodded again and walked off. I looked down at my list.

Shopping list
Smirnoff for the Jehovah I guess.

I sighed and walked off to find the items we needed. First I got the Cola, because it was closest. I crossed 'Cola' off the list. Bacon next. I repeated this process until I got to the Smirnoff. Does Thomas even still like this stuff? I grabbed some anyways and walked to the designated meeting spot. Thomas was there, talking to a tired looking woman at the cash register. I was mad for a second, until I looked at the lady. She was so done with Thomas and his crap.

Thomas just had a bag of chips and a box of dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets. Weird..

I walked over and checked out. 

"Goodbye! Have a nice day!" Thomas said to the lady. She growled at him. Ouch.

We drove home, and delivered the items to the people who wanted them. I sat in my room until I heard a scream.


Wow Cliffhanger!! Spooky

So thank you guys again for 200 reads! Once again, sorry for not posting as much, im just lazy and decided not to write.

See you guys next time!!

Word count:1299

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