Chapter Ten: Remembering??

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Tord's POV

We walked in the door to the house. Tom was still sad, but better than before. Edd was sitting on the couch, and when we came in he turned to look at us. His happy smile disappeared as he saw Tom's sad face.

"What happened? Are you okay??" Edd asked, standing up.

"I-I'd rather not talk about it.." He said quietly. "I'm gonna go to my room." I grabbed his wrist, and he turned to look at me. I leaned down and whispered in his ear.

"Is it alright if I explain what happened?" I said it softly, so Edd wouldn't hear. He was currently giving me a confused look. Tom nodded, and I let him go into his room.

"What was that all about" Edd said, suggestively. I scoffed at him.

"I was just asking if it's okay to tell you what happened." Edd made an 'O' shape with his mouth. I sat on the couch, and Edd sat next to me.

"So, basically, Jamie let Thoma-.. Tom.. work as a waiter for the day to see if he wanted a permanent job there, and this lady was really rude, and screamed because of Tom's eyes, which basically destroyed his self-esteem and made him cry." Edd made a sad, sympathetic face. "But on the bright side, the owner of the fair offered to pay for all of Tom's medical bills!" I said happily, pulling the three-thousand dollar check out of my pocket. Edd looked super happy.

"Tom doesn't have to work anymore!!" Edd cheered. I frowned slightly. I liked having Tom there. Seeing him run around, being happy, made me happy.

"If he wants to keep the job, you're gonna let him.. Right?" I asked, slightly hopeful. Edd considered for a moment, looked at me, sighed, and nodded. My smile re-appeared. I was happy. I stood up.

"Where are you going?" Edd asked.

"Gonna go ask Tom if he wants to keep his job or not." I replied casually. I then walked over to Tom's room and knocked lightly. I heard a noise that sounded like a 'come in' I opened the door, slowly peeking my head in. Tom was just sitting on the bed.

"Hey, what's up?" He asked, happier than earlier.

"That guy that paid for your medical bills made it so you don't have to work anymore if you don't want to." I said, not showing how much I wanted him to keep working.

"Of course I'll keep working! Even though some people are rude, I like that job!" He said, as if the answer was obvious from the beginning. I smiled slightly and shut the door. I sighed, thinking about what Tom said.. 'Even though some people are rude.' I wish there was a way to make it so there wouldn't be any rude people.

Suddenly I got an idea. I got a medium sized poster board, and a thick ((thicc)) black marker, and started getting to work on this project.

Tom's POV ((Finally))

I woke up early the next day to my alarm blaring in my ear. I picked up my phone and turned it off. I sighed. It was early, like 8:00 and it was Thursday. I got up, and put on my work uniform
(A white shirt, jeans, and a black apron) The apron was the only required thing, the uniform was really casual. I put my phone in my pocket and was about to open my door, when it opened.

There stood Tord.

"Oh, I was just about to come wake you up for work." He said, with a smile. I smiled in return.

"I'm one step ahead of you I guess!" I giggled. I walked past him and saw a white poster board on the couch. It looked like there was writing, or something on the back. I went to flip it over, when my hand got smacked lightly.

"No looking." Tord said, picking up the poster board and putting it in a position where I couldn't see what was on it. I sighed.

"Whatever, Commie." Tord froze, and turned.

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