Chapter Nine: Cleaning Up The Place

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(Sorry guys this is kinda a filler, i don't know what to write about)

3rd POV

There were sirens. Loud and ear piercing. Tom and Tord forgot about the cookies in the oven, and the oven caught on fire. The fire-fighters were done putting the fire out by now. The fire hadn't spread too far, but the oven, and some of the counter-tops were burned. Tom felt insanely bad for burning practically a stranger's oven.

Edd's POV

Tom wouldn't stop begging me to let him pay for the things he and Tord accidentally burnt.

I was currently talking with Matt.

"Hey, where are Tom and Tord?" I asked. I wanted to make sure they're both okay. Matt shrugged, a wide look in his eyes. He was still shaken up. His 'poor face could've gotten hurt' Matt's words, not mine.

I walked over to the side of the house. Tom and Tord were being yelled at by the fire-fighters. Tom was looking down at his shoes, while Tord was glaring at the fire-fighter currently yelling at them.

"Don't you idiots know not to play with fire when there's no adults around?!" The fire-fighter yelled, rudely. Suddenly, Tom burst into silent tears. Tord quickly glanced down at Tom, since Tom is shorter than him.
(Just a personal head-canon, don't sue me.)

"Great! Look what you did!" Tord yelled at the fire-fighter, who was taken aback by Tom's tears. Tord hugged Tom comfortingly. Aww. Tord glared at the fire-fighter, again.

"Freakin' crybaby..." The fire-fighter mumbled. Tord stopped hugging Tom and walked over to the fire-fighter. Before he could do anything stupid, I stepped in.

"Okayyy!! Well thanks for saving us! We can handle things from here now!" I cut in, giving Tord a look that said 'Stop or i'll slap your hair horns right off your head.' Tord growled, and turned on his feet. He walked back over to Tom, who was still looking sad. I turned and walked back over to Matt.

"How're we going to replace all the things that burned?" I sighed.

"Let me get a job and pay for it!" Tom said, out of no-where, scaring both Matt and I in the process.

"Wha- Tom no! That could be bad for your health!" I said, disagreeing with Tom's idea.

"PLEEEASSE EDDD!" Tom pleaded. I sighed and looked over at Tord. He nodded.

"Speaking of work, I gotta go soon, my shift started an hour ago." Tord said, and went back into the house. Tom followed him, screeching about going with him. I sighed again, for the millionth time that day.

Tord's POV

Tom came with me to work today. Jamie was a little upset that I hadn't came in on time, but when I told him my house caught on fire, he was still upset. Maybe he's thinking i'm lying.

"Hey Jamie, do you think I could let my friend Thomas work here?" I asked. "Maybe just for today?"

Jamie considered this. "Well, I have needed more help around here, clearing dishes..." I looked at him with hopeful eyes. "Wait! Is this the same friend that was in the hospital?" He asked. I nodded my head.

"He has amnesia, and basically has no clue who any of us are. We have to watch him, to make sure nothing bad happens to him." I explained. Jamie let out a small 'ohh' of understanding. Tom was currently hobbling around with his crutches.

"Okay! Thomas can start today if he feels like it!" Jamie exclaimed.

Thoma- Tom walked over to the counter.

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