Chapter Seventeen: Hungover At Work

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(( Hey quick note, I forgot to name the café, so the name is now: Jamie's Cafe ))

Tord's POV

I woke up to my alarm blaring. Six AM. I groaned and swung my legs over the bed. I hated getting up early. I stood up, and changed into a white T-shirt, and jeans. My apron was at work, so that'll have to wait. I went over to Tom, and gently shook him awake. He groaned.

"What do you want, Commie?" He asked, annoyed.

"Time for work. Don't know if you remember, but you got yourself a job." I explained. He got up.

"Is there a uniform?"

"No, you just need to wear something appropriate, and an apron." 

"Good." He walked over to his clothes pile, and grabbed a navy blue T-shirt, and black jeans.

"I'll be out in the car." I said, walking out. I walked into the front room, and scanned the area for the car keys. Where were they? I walked into the kitchen, no keys. I called out to Tom.

"Tom, do you know where they car keys are?" 

"How am I supposed to know, I don't drive that often." 

"I dunno, but we're going to have to walk to work if we don't find them.." Tom groaned at this.

I checked the time on the small clock on the wall. 6:15. We have to leave in 5 minutes to be at work on time. 

"Hey, I found the keys!" Tom called from the kitchen. 

"Nice! Where were they?" I asked curiously.

"In the fridge...?" I looked at him. 

"Well.. Uh.. You ready to go?" I asked. He nodded, and handed me the keys. He was right. The keys were cold from being in the fridge.. I walked out the door, and held it open for Tom. He thanked me, and we went to the car, and drove to work.

---Time Skip---

We walked into the little café. Jamie stood at the counter. We walked over to him.

"Hey, didn't think I'd see you here for a while." Jamie chuckled. 

"Yeah, sorry.. Things happened."


"Well, Tom got his memories back, but doesn't remember what happened while he had amnesia, so I had to remind him that he has a job now.." I explained.

"I hired two new workers, because we're way understaffed, even with you two working.." Jamie said.

"Cool! Who are they?"

"Their names are Marcus, and Charlie." They should be coming in a little bit later." I nodded and walked into the back room. Tom followed.

"You're quiet." I pointed out to Tom.

"Yeah.. I don't exactly know what to do.."

"Sorry! Let me explain. You're a waiter. You take the customers order, give the cook the order ticket, and give them their food. Oh yeah, and you also clean tables." 

"Okay.. That doesn't sound to difficult."

I took my apron off of my hook, and handed Tom his. He thanked me, and we put the aprons on.

"We're matching!" I joked. Tom smiled a little. 

Nice job Tord. Keep being nice, and maybe he'll like you.

The door swung open quickly, and a boy and a girl walked in.

Tom's POV

I turned my head to see a girl and boy walk in. I didn't bother walking over to introduce myself.

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