t h i r t y - o n e

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Rose's POV
~eight days before~

I lightly removed Ethan's arms from my sides as I notice the body twitching. I glanced at Ethan, who gave me nod, as if trying to say that I should continue.

I slide one of my knives out of its bands from my inner thighs and wave it around my fingers and palm to familiarise the handle and silver blade against my skin.

Sullivan's eyes shot up and he looks at Ethan and I, wide-eyed.

"E-Ethan?" his voice croaks.

Ethan shakes his head.

"What is the meaning of this?" he asks.

Ethan squeezed his eyes shut as if he's in pain and he slowly backs away and left the room. I waited for Ethan to be out of earshot and I begin my questionnaire.

"Did you, or did you not organise that vile trafficking website?" I asked.

"What the fuck? No!"

I pinched the bridge of my nose.

This is going to be a long day.

"I have evidence and each and every piece of them allows me to have my suspicions about you."

The man still looks like a lost puppy.

I rubbed my palms against my face in frustration and let out a grunt. I circle around the man and waited for him to reply. Eventually, I became impatient so I sliced open his forearm.

He winced and pain and closes his eyes.

"Did you, or did you not run the website?" I whispered slowly in his ear, enunciating every word through my gritted teeth.

"No! Why would you think that? I have kids for fucks' sake!"

I leaned on the wall and watched the crimson colour fluid flow out of his arm and to his fingertips, dropping onto the floor. I looked into his eyes and all I saw was desperation.

Maybe he is telling the truth? I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

"If you say so, tell me who did it," I said bluntly.

"Y-you may not like the answer," he responds as his gaze drops to the floor, smeared in his blood.

"I don't like many things in this world and one of those many things is hesitation," I said, ironically.

"It's Ethan," he voiced, merely a whisper.

I burst into laughter, there's no way Ethan did this. He's too soft. I did have my suspicions before but they're all rumors. Sullivan did not join in my fit and I stopped laughing because the joke died for a bit.

I looked at his face of confusion and I started laughing again.

"Ethan? Ethan Dolan? You must be kidding," I said as I struggled to breathe.

"No, I'm not."

I smirked.


"I have some. They're in my office at home. The other day when I met Ethan, Mr Jonas wanted me to find out about Ethan's search history and where he has been. I don't know why Jonas didn't just hack into Ethan's Google account but I guess searching it from his phone would be easier.

So I did.

And, I sent the screenshots to myself and deleted them from his phone. He doesn't know that I know.

Initially, I didn't believe that he was a sick man. The Ethan I knew wouldn't do that but that's the problem. He isn't the Ethan I knew. I'll send you the screenshots and report I made on him. I had just completed them before I went to the shower this morning.

Then, you kidnapped me."

"Wow, you're one to talk."

"You don't believe me?"

"Of course I don't," I chuckled.

How foolish can this man be?

"If you bring me back to my house, I'll give you the reports and screenshots and in return you can let me go."

"Eh, those reports aren't worth your release, though, it was pretty easy to catch you. You didn't even put up a fight," I scoffed.

"I know that we don't know each other but you have to trust me on this," he pleaded.

I rolled my eyes and bent down so that I was seeing him eye to eye. I sliced his calf and wiped my dirty knife on his pants. I stood up and walked away, leaving him to bleed.

I'll visit him tomorrow without Ethan knowing and I'll see to his claims myself.

I walked out of the building and met Ethan leaning against the van outside. He looked up and his eyes almost sparkled when he saw me. He licked his lips as I walk towards him. He immediately engulfed me in a hug as I was in arms' reach.

I kissed his forehead and we stared into each others' eyes for a moment before he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the passengers' seat.

He's awfully affectionate. Did he eavesdrop on my conversation?

I let my thoughts roam free and it wasn't pretty. I had a feeling that maybe, just maybe, Ethan is my actual suspect. I knew better so I shook off the feeling and and looked out the window.

It was already in the afternoon and I was starving. I didn't say anything because it's just a little bit of hunger. It wasn't too bad. Ethan pulled up to a nearby Mcdonalds and ordered some food.

He pays for the food before I could pull out my card, I shot him a knowing glare and smiled sheepishly in response. He knows that I hate it when he pays. He does it all the time too! I huffed and shifted my legs towards the door. I didn't look at him ever since he paid until he pulled into a parking spot.

I heard the sound of the paper bag ruffling and the amazing Mcdonalds fries gave off an amazing smell. My stomach grumbled and Ethan let out a laugh.

He passed me my burger and fries and I immediately dug into it like there was no tomorrow. This only made Ethan laugh harder.

While I was chewing, I remembered that I hadn't said thank you. I muttered a thank you after swallowing the food I had in my mouth. He nodded and bit into his burger as a stream of ketchup flowed by the side of his mouth.

a/n: hey hey hey

my exam starts next monday and i'm freaking out hehe im not even studying at the moment, i thought that i should finish up this chapter.

ohh and today i actually worked out like wutttt

yea i just ran and did some pushups, planks and wall sits. that's all.

erm yea

this story sounds boring tbh

there's no drama yet just cheesy stuff omg i've just realised that i've ended the chapters with like ethan getting riled up or ethan and rose being in some moment together.

i should change it up eh

yea kk have a great day byeee


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