[02 ¤ meet the family]

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SHE WALKED INTO the living room, dumping her backpack onto the worn out but comfy couch and falling back into it's soft cushions

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SHE WALKED INTO the living room, dumping her backpack onto the worn out but comfy couch and falling back into it's soft cushions.


Mina shrieked at the sudden sound and whipped her head around, looking for the source of the unwelcome scare.

The voice that had screamed at her raced out from their small kitchen and suddenly Diana Miyazaki stood in front of her agitated niece, an Italian cookbook gripped tightly in her left hand as she put her hand on her hips.

Her amber brown eyes glowed with her usual energy and playfulness, her pale skin was without a blemish while her mouth was set in a line and her thin body was wrapped in an set of all black scrubs. Like aunt, like niece.

"Oh, it's just you." Mina said, relieved and she fell back against the cushions in exhaustion as her tall aunt glared down at her.

"Yes, it's just me. Just me just received a call from Matt. Your sensei. Remember him? He trained you for 5 years? Ring any bells?"

"Hmm. What's his last name? Is it an Asian last name and if so, is it Korean?" Mina asked, playing along with Diana and her expression turned to one of deep interest, her voice what she hoped was riddled with mystery.

Diana quirked an eyebrow in a very Mina way or maybe Mina did it in a very Diana way but nevertheless, they definitely resembled each other when they did it.

"Yes. Park. Anyway," Her aunt dragged out the word, a sudden smile overtaking her face as she looked down at her niece with almond eyes much like her own. "You didn't tell me you won your black belt three days ago."

Mina rolled her eyes nonchalantly, examining her hands like they did in movies and smirked at Diana.

"Well now you wouldn't, you had to work at the hospital. I assumed you'd just know." Her cool guy act fell to pieces as Diana gave her noogie, rubbing her knuckles on top of Mina's head, a proud smile on her face.

"I know you'll beat that little shit Robby Yamaho next year. I get so tired of looking at his mother's smug ugly face every time he wins." Diana huffed out in annoyance, her face distasteful. She quickly changed it, turning back to Mina.

"さらに、今日は学校の最後の日でした. あなたは今ジュニアです. あなたが家の外に出て髪の毛から出てくるまでもう一年、もう一年甘い年! (Plus, today was your last day of school. You're a junior now. One more year, one more sweet year until you're out of the house and out of my hair!)"

Mina smiled at her aunt's antics, grimacing as she got another knuckle rub on her head. She secretly loved it when her aunt did this, it was a sign of her aunt's ever growing affection towards her niece but Mina would never admit it.

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