[03 ¤ goodbyes and hellos]

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"I'll miss you too."

"Call everyday."

"That's unreasonable and you know it."

"Then call every other day."

Mina laughed and Diana tightened her grip on the teen, squeezing her to the point of suffocation as tears slid down her face.

"Hey, Diana. It's only for a month." This fact did not cheer up Diana and if anything, more tears filled her eyes and slid down her cheeks, ruining the mascara she had so carefully put on but her aunt could care less. She was protective of Mina and even the thought of being separated from her made Diana sad.

This was one of the two only reasons Mina didn't like going to Japan, the other was leaving Ned and Peter alone and only with each other's pitiful company, they'd be missing Mina's eccentric and sarcastic presence before the hour was up.

"覚えておいて, とは3時に空港であなたをお会いしています. さて、それは7時でしょ.(Remember, Toshi and Suzy are meeting you at the airport at 3. Well, it'll be 7 by then.)" Diana reminded her for the umpteenth time and Mina gently pried her aunt's arms off her. Instead, she held the older woman's delicate fingers firmly and Diana squeezed Mina's hand back, giving her a soupy smile.

"ピーターに告げると私はそれらを見逃すことがあります. (Tell Peter and May I'll miss them.)"

Diana started to cry even harder as Mina's flight was announced over the speakers and Mina gave her aunt's hand another squeeze, gently signaling that it was time to let go. Diana did, after a while and Mina gave her a smile, kissing the top of her head as she towered 6 inches over Diana's small 5'2 height.

"私は着陸するとすぐにお電話します、よろしいですか? (I'll call you as soon as I land, okay?)" Mina promised and the older woman nodded, giving her niece one last tight hug before patting her back.

Mina walked quickly to the check out point, though she was used to this procedure she still felt nervous.

She gave her ID to the security guard with a steady hand, letting them scan the metal detector over her and relief flooded her as they nodded that she could pass through.

Mina looked back at her aunt as she waited in line to board, grinning as she saw Diana standing on her tiptoes to see even a glance of Mina.

The young Miyazaki waved to her and Diana's face lit up as she finally spotted her, making a heart with her hands. The line moved forward and Mina felt a rush of panic as her aunt was lost in the flood of travellers and fellow fliers.

Before she knew it, Mina was showing her passport to the stewardess and boarding the plane, moving with anxious sureness to her seat and with a last look at the number on her ticket and the one on her seat, she sat down.

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