[12 ¤ stark secrets]

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THE REST OF the school week passed by, unremarkable and boring as Mina and Peter slowly got back into their usual school groove

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THE REST OF the school week passed by, unremarkable and boring as Mina and Peter slowly got back into their usual school groove.

Peter's feelings slowly, but surely, progressed from an awkward crush to the first pangs of real love and he got even more quiet and bashful whenever Mina talked to him or even so much as looked at him.

He learned to embrace the exciting, heart stopping feeling he got when the wind blew Mina's hair around, letting her teal locks float in the air. Or when they would be going over homework together and Mina would point out that Peter did a problem wrong and she would smile softly, her face relaxed and happy, her walls down and comfortable with herself.

Mina, on the other hand, had grown more wary of the time she spent with Peter.

She was aware of the pivotal feelings that were rising out of nowhere and was trying without success to ignore just how cute Peter looked when he was concentrating on AP History homework, his eyebrows scrunched together and his tongue poking through his pink lips.

Or how his jaw would clench when he was frustrated and his already sharp jawline would become more defined and he would run his hand over it, scratching his neck slightly before groaning and moving to a different problem. Or if she was having a crap day and he would comfort her, his hands timidly and gently resting on top of hers, his palms slightly sweaty and face engulfed in red.

And like she said, Mina was trying with every ounce of her strength not to fall for Peter Parker and so far, it was working out horribly.

So, to save herself the usual heartache and pain that occurs every time she had a crush and they rejected her, the blue haired girl tried to limit her time with the boy, hoping it would dull her feelings. But it seemed to have the opposite effect; now whenever they spent even a few minutes together, Mina would feel lightheaded and giddy. And in retaliation to her feeling this way, she would distance herself further from him, adding to Peter's confusion and Mina's longing to see him.

Which is why she found herself all alone in her apartment on Friday night, her first week as a junior completed and now cemented in the past. Mina was glad; while the first day was bad, the rest of the week had been okay but boring, bearable if anything. She was looking forward to once again sleeping in and going out as Kitsune but she couldn't deny the loneliness that ripped through her as she sat on her bed. She was scrolling through her Snapchat and wishing her favorite idiots were with her.

Usually on Fridays, Peter, Ned and Mina would get together and watch movies varying in genres, acting and directing ability and ratings. While the movies played, they ate popcorn, candy and tried not to think about their mountainous pile of homework they would soon rush to complete on Sunday.

Being Peter-less, and Ned-less, was proving to be dull and lonely.

Mina had already finished all her homework fairly quickly, with no one around to test, annoy or distract her and Mina found herself missing the usual banter the three friends kept up. You did this to yourself, she reminded herself and then shook her head.

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