[21 ¤ snap, crackle, pop bitch!]

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ONCE MINA HAD kicked the door open, which was hard enough in itself, she had the even more complex task of finding non-compatible chemicals

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ONCE MINA HAD kicked the door open, which was hard enough in itself, she had the even more complex task of finding non-compatible chemicals.

She's blown up multiple vials in Physics in her years. She could do this.

She just had to keep her cool and concentrate.

Which was hard to do, considering she couldn't stop thinking of Peter. Facing off against Carnage. Alone.

Stop it, Mina reminded herself. Focus. Chemicals.


"Well, what fucking chemicals?" Mina muttered aloud, annoyed and pressured. Time was running out, she had to be quicker.

What a perfect time to be spacing out, Mina thought, then pulled herself back to earth. There really was no time. Chemicals, you dumb fuck.

Mina spotted the cabinet with the vials of chemicals and other material the students used in Chemistry. Finally, something good.

She rifled through the vials, reading labels at lightning speed but being gentle, moving them quickly as she could, which wasn't fast at all. Mina was careful to not touch or bump any, to avoid catastrophe. While she was looking for explosives, it wouldn't be good to blow up now.

Mina paused, retreating her hands from the cabinet and holding her head with them, thinking hard. Chemicals. Bad reactions.

Hydrogen sulfide and nitric acid.

No. The school wasn't allowed to have nitric acid because of a medical scare with a freshman who had forgotten his mask and inhaled deeply. Idiot.

Think, Mina, think.

Chromic acid with alcohol.

"This is a fucking high school." Mina reminded herself, shaking her head and tapping her temples quickly. "Come on, genius."

And then it hit her.

Chlorine and ammonia. When mixed, it would give off a deadly and toxic gas, chloramine and if a lighter or a match got close to it, then the whole thing would go boom.


Mina scrambled towards the supply closet, a separate little closet in the room for the classes everyday messes and swung the door open. Her eyes scanned the dark room, zooming in on the familiar white bottle of Borax bleach that she always threatened to drink once things got too real.

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